Jew Haters, Israel haters but not Anti-Zionists (few if any) always distort the size of the Jewish state by semantics. They use elaborate language meant to inflame the ignorant, confused and other newbies about Israel expansion. But these people are very good with propaganda and use socialist/leftist terminology, or ancent christian anti-semtic terminology, depending on whether they left wing or rightwing, to misrepresent the reality of Israel in the middleeast.. Islamist Arabs and other anti-Israeli Muslims use both approaches.
Another word thats incorrect and meant to outrage is "aparthied".
I encounter the hardcore types on forums. They are hardcore on the left and right. But the lines get blurred as rightist pretend to be left and vics versa. But manyhave no ideology except hatred of Jews.
They repeat incessantly that Israel is expanding and confiscating Arab lands all over the Middle East. A good example is the absurd Greater Israel post that Israel has it's goal on an Empire from the Eurphrates to the Nile, since King David had such a realm. I've already written about this.
Those a little more practical go on to point out examples like Israel conquering Lebanon since they "occupy" Sheba'a Farm disputed boundary issueon the Golan Heights. Since Lebanon and Syria never resolved the problem BEFORE 1967 its now balloned into a major international outrage of occupied Lebanon.
They also mention the Israel-PLO War invasion of Lebanon in 1982. But they NEVER mention that the PLO controlled their own section of Lebanon from 1976 to 1983 and launched Katushya rockets AT Northern Israel in 1978 and AGAIN in 1982. The 1982 incident led Iasraels to attempt to destoy the PLO by surrounding Beirut. To prevent future attacks Israel set up a Christian state in southern Lebanon. This too is pointed at as expansion despit no settlements ever existing. So they ignore the point od Israeli withdrawal in 2000 which sparked the 2nd intifada as Arabs salivated at perceived Israeli weakness.
The 2006 Hezbullah War is mentioned as a land grab attempt when its quite clearly a self defense measure to stop missiles raining on Northern Israel for a month. They also point to the territories in the West Bank and Gaza which were never annexed. In fact they are silent when you mention the Expulsion of Jewish settlers from Gaza.
But whats pointed out with great glee is the territories conquered in the 6 Day War. Thats expansion thay cry with pretend wounded cries. Sinai was occupied but after Anwar Saat went to Jerusalem and later signed a peace treaty, that resulted in his assaisination, Israel withdrew section by section from the Sinai including dismantling settlements like Yamit.
Yes Israel DID annex the Golan and East Jerusalem. Those areas when occupied by Arabs were exploited and used as launchpads for weapons fire INTO Israel. The West Bank or Samaria/Judea remained settler pfree for most of the first 10 years. And since Jordan refused to negotiate LAND FOR PEACE it remain in Israel hands. King Hussein sat on his hands capitulating to the Arab League and their proxies the PLO. Exventually all rights to that part of Jordan was given to the PLO.
Jewish settler consider these lands part of Jewish history and they create settlements betwen Arab towns most of the time on fallow Arab land. This I must concede is the only expansion I can see.
But if you look at Israel in comparison with its hostile neighbors on a map you are astonshed
You can barely see Israel and the proto-state of Palestine. Only Lebanon is smaller. Egypt, Jordam (which intially WAS part of Palestine), Syria, Saudi Arbia, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and Algeria loom like Soviet Russia over Poland! They are humongous mega expanses. Israel haters MAKE sure never to bring maps into the debate! The Arabs are greedy in not being able to recognize a tiny sliver of a non-Muslim state in their midst.
They consider this a loss for Arab Muslim heritage. These lands once conquired should alway remain Muslim,. Its their UMMA lands forever! This applies to other losses like Spain. and the Balkans too but in a much lesser way. Those loses arent as fresh and raw like Israel! They view the area from Morocco to Persia (Iran) as a great Arab carpet mosaic with reds, greens, blacks and white suddenly infected by alien blue Israel. So in reality 19 mile wide Israel is very small but its exaggerated to a huge size by the outraged psychology of the Arab mind.
Where is Palestine? hmmmm
After ezekiel 38 is fulfilled soon, that map will look very different. God promised Abraham the land from the river of Egypt to the euphrates. It will be done as God does what he says he will do.
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