Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Israel is Wasted Its seed is no more!

The History of the Hebrew ancestors of the Jews is very very murkey. Its so murkey that its even the Jew haters an opening to declare the pre 9th century BCE null and void, Any excuse to deny the Jews their place in history brings the shiver of excitement to the Jew haters, whether they be western Nazis or Islamists. It began with the book, the Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. In summing up decades of Israel archaeology, they could not find much evidence of the Exodus, Joshua, Kings David and Solomon. Anti-Semites cried with great glee the Bible is bogus. Although many of these very same anti-semites are scripture quoting automatons.

Silberman and Finklestein could discover no evidence of any journey of the Hebrews from Egypt. The time scale for Joshua's conquest of Cana'an could not be found. Either the burned cities were too early in the Bronze Age or much later in the Israelite kingdom.

They theorized with much supporting evidence than Hebrews were revolutionaries that overthrew the Cana'anite upper classes. They fled to Judea and Samaria to live simple yet free lives with a personal relation to God. One God.The first evidence of advanced civilization appear in Samaria as the Kingdom of Israel. By the In short time it grew powerful with megalithic buildings and palaces. The evidence supports this and supports that once destroyed by the Assyrian Empire the small virtually non-existant Kingdom of Judah replaced it. Just before or just after this destruction work was done on writing the most important piece of literature in Western civilization-The Old Testment of the Bible. Considering that much of the Bible is verified after the 8th century; its very likely that the older material is based on some facts. The cosmpolitan nature of King Josiahs Kingdom contrasts to the village existence 100 years previously.

Silberman and Finketein theorize the David was more a Robin Hood figure than a great king. Ditto with Solomon.

There is no evidence for Kingdoms just confederations of tribes.

But military historians point to the undeniable war stategies placed in real locales in Israel having to do with the war campaigns of Joshua, the Judges Gideon, Deborah, Samson, David and his son. Strategies from the Bible were followed in World war Two resulting is allied victories. So there was a realness here

To silence the OT deniers there is tiny bits of evidence. Theres the Ipuwer Papyrus which indicates a great upheaveal in Egyptian society about the same time as The megavolcano at Thera exploded. Excavations on Crete have shown that the megavolcano nearly destroyed the Minoan seafaring civilization by tsumami! So its easy to see tsumamis wreaking havoc and deluging the Nile Delta. The 10 plagues recited every Passover can be explained by the effects of such a catatastrophe, Canadian Jewish filmaker, Simcha Jacobovici, has made it one of his largest projects to prove the Exodus. He take on it includes another exodus of Hebrews to Mycenae. Where he feels the Ark of the Covenant ended up. Supporting this is a letter wrtitten decades after Alexander the Great conquered the Middle East. Its from King Arius of Sparta to the High Priest Onias of Judeaindicating a common ancestry. from the Avatar filmaker James Cameron has worked on this with Jacobovici. Explaining the Pillars of Fire/Light other have theorized that Mr Sinai was a volcano in whats now Saudi Arabia. Possible land bridges crossing the Red Sea have been found at the Eilat side of the Gulf of Aqaba and across the straits of Tiran as well.Josephus points to the origin of the Jews with the Semitic invasions of the Hyksos that lasted 300 years and may have ended in a great exodus.And Egyptian historian Manetho mentions two Exoduses One involving the Hyksos. The other one has been linked to a possible exile of monotheist Pharoah Akhenaten after an overthrow. This might explain the Hebraic one god Concept as developed from Akhenaten ong god aton Concept. This was all very circumstantal.

WHo was Moses? Was he the brother of Ahmose? Was he Akhenaten? Or was he the brother of Ahmose mentioned in the Ipuwer Papyrus? Or possibly an exiled Hyksos monarch. We dont know at this point. To say the Exodus was fiction is a little premature considering the leads. The Exodus is certianly not proven but neither has it been disproven like Joshua's conquests. When Greeks visited Judea after Alexander took the area from Darius they remarked the how obsessed the Judeans were with this ancient figure Moshe. Considering the the names of Egyptian Pharoahs, Ahmose, Tutmose, (Tothmoses), Rameses (Ramoses). Kmose (Kamoses) all around the era of a possible Hebrew or Hyksos emigration, was it a coincidence about Moses?

 And notice the bank place before the name Moses. A space possibly indicating belief in an invisible God. Its similar to depictions of the Ark of Covenant, where the two angels or sphinxes towards an empty space representing that invisible deity.

OT deniers suffered at setback when a stelae was found in Tel Dan in Northern Israel. This inscribed stone celebrated the King of Syria or Arams victory of the Houses of Israel and David. Notice it was David and not Judah. So David was such an impressive figure that his name preempted the name of Judah.

Another stelae from the same period celebrates the King of Moab's victory over the Kingdoms of Omri (Israel) and David (Judah). You might be able to infer that so dominating were the Hebrew kingdoms that stelae comemmorating setbacks were important to ther enemies.So however insignificant Judah was it was a frequent ally or it dominating neighbor. And for some reason despite the clashes they did have Judah was never conqured despites it Rhode Island size to Israel.

The most dramatic evidence of Israel emerging out of the murkiness is the Merneptah stelas. The Pharoah mentions a list of nations he defeated starting with the most powerful Libyans. The Libyans were allies of the mysterious combination of Seafaring nations, the Sea Peoples.

That particular age was marked by the end of the use of bronze which was the whole purpose of the Sea trade with the use of iron. That brought in land empires like Egypt later on. The Sea Peoples included Greek peoples and Semitic peoples. The Egyptians were the only nation to survive thise age of anarchy as the Hittite Empire crmbled and the coast of Cana'an was depopulated with survivors moving inland where the Hebrews later emerged.

One Sea People the Egyptians soundly defeated was the Peleshet. They forced the invaders to settle in Gaza and became the Phillistines associated with the Isrealites wars and David and Goliath.

The Merneptah document of stone was of a series of wars between two greater wars the Egyptians barely won against the Sea peoples confederation.

Before the Sea People wars nomads called Habiru had tormented the ruler of a pre-Hebrew Jebusite Jerusalem, so that he pleaded for help from the Pharoah. The Pharoah had evidented picked him as a local vassal.This was documented by the Armana letters dated to Akhenaten's reign.

Was there some connection to Biblical rulers like Priest-King Melchizedek?

The King of (Jeru)Salem who was very personally involved with the patriarch Abraham.Abraham is dated to an earlier Bronze age period coinciding with Hyksos domination of Egypt

Merneptah mentions many large to small victories. The defeated are Cana'an, Ashkelon (the Phillistines), Gezer and Israel. Thery arent referred to as a country but as a people. Silberman and Finklestein think that Israel was most likely nomadic or semi-nomadic people as indcated by their settlements resembled a circle of wagons turned into stone houses.

The people of Israel's defeat in 1208-9 bce is described as "Israel is laid waste, its seed is no more". There is even a heiroglyph of Merneptah metaphorically whipping his enemy. It practically sounds genocidal but it was common for the Pharoah to exaggerate because it enhanced his standing back in Memphis.   Much like the Palestinians and Arabs do today.What I find particularly striking is that Israels first mention, despite being a congomeration of nomads, is the declaration of their destruction. This theme of utter destruction was repeated by Haddad of Aram (Syria) Mesha of Moab, The Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Seleucid Syrian Greeks, the Romans (twice), Crusaders, Kingdom of Spain, the Cossacks, The Russian Empire, Nazi Germany and manmy Jew haters on the internet today. Thats 3000 years of unfulfilled promises of extermination.

No people or country can match that resistance to obliteration.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Family Vendetta of Hate

The Israel Arab paradigm is often described as a war of religions, or conflict of 2 nations for the same land. But what is amazingly suppressed

is that it was also a vendetta. For 84 of its 90 year existence so far the Arab-Jewish war was lead by a man and his nephew. The Grand Mufti a-Husseni appointed by a British Jew to represent Arab interest in the mandate was the uncle of PLO chief and Palestine President Yasir Arafat. Its mindboggling as to why I had never heard of this. This Grand Mufti as I already mentioned in this blog orchestrated the Arab riots and revolts against the Jewish settlers from 1920 until the ElNabka or Israel's War of Independence. He feel the Jewish people were a threat to Arab Islamic culture. He was right, Islamic culture was shredding in its contact with Western culture and its myriad of philosophies democracy to socialism to fascism.Materialism and progressivism was destroying the fragile patriarchy. In Palestine where contact with Europe was minimal this posed a great threat as the Jews were legitimately there. They has a continual presence and history. So negotiating with them was out of the question.So the Grand Mufti instituting a strategy of terror that continues today based on Islam as before. He sent goons int o the strets to kill Jews, This escalated to massacres in 1929. And full war in 1936 with the British was well. The Jews were well defended by the 1930's so the Grand Mufti being a radical Islamofascist attacked the moderate Arabs killing more of his brother Muslims than Jews. This was successas the British buckled to al-Husseini's first demand. Limit immigration! And the Brits prevented Jews from Europe to escape the Nazi war machine and settle inn Israel and most wound up dead in the Holocaust. In this way the British despite fighting Nazi Germany were complicit in the death of a huge number of the 6 million lives. The Grand Mufti eager to see no more Jews in Palestine traveled to the Third Reich and became a supporter and guest of the Fuhrer. He even commanded a Muslim Gestapo. After the War he pleaded with the Arab League to prevent the binational (2 state solution) enity of Palestine from being created. The league responded with the 5 Arab Armies of Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The Grand Mufti called for those armies to "Drive the Jews into the Sea" meaning he wanted to create a second genocide of the Jewish people in less than a decade. Suprisingly the Arabs were beaten back by the kibbutz militias. What was not taken by the Jews did not become the State of Palestine but was patitioned by Egypt and Jordan.

The Mufti died a few years later bitter at not removing the Jews. His nephew emerged in the sixties. First as leader of fatah and later as Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization a coalition of terror groups that used hostage takings, massacres, bombings and plane hijackings to force the world to pay attention. Their enemies the Israelis were already paying attention as they evolved out of cross border terrorist raiders the fedayeen; who regular kiled civilans from bases in Gaza and the The Jordanian West Bank. Arafat needed to brand the Arab refugees who before the British Mandate (1919-1948) considered themselves Syrians. They had no political or ethnic identification for 44 years. So he simply revived the Roman/European term Palestine as new name of the Arab nation in 1964.As Fatah or Palestinian leader he revived the war against the Jews. But the PLO expanded the scope from Israel to Europe. The war became the theatre of spectacles. Spectacles like the blowing up of 3 hijacked airliners in 1970, the killing of Israeli athetes in the munich Olympics, the Entebbe incident, and the capture of a cruise liner the Achille Nauro. His bgreates non violent trumph was branding Zionism as racism by a cowed UN in 1974. Its was later repealed in a more thoughtful and intrpoective era 2 decades later. But attacking Israel with rockets was never forgotten. Rockets landing in Nothern Israel in 1978 and 1982 led to Sharons invasion of Lebanon and the destruction of the PLO mini-state, That state was later replaced by todays Hezbullah's mini state. Arafat fled Beirut and was marginalized in exile in Tunis. To regain stature he sacrificed some arab demands and retuned to Palestine as President after the Oslo agreement. Unable to control Hamas and terror groups Arafat never even countered proposals by Barak and Clinton and fled to Ramallah after the 2nd intifada began, As a homesexual he contracted aids and died in 2004. You see Arafat was continuing a personal vendatta of his uncle in trying to eliminate or minimize non Muslim presence in the Muslim Umma lands.

Psychically Marginal People - Junkies of Hate

There are many personalities that roam internet forums. In my wanderings around these forums Ive encountered many types. The forums I frequented had an unusually high number of Jew Haters. They were from a variety of politcal and religious beliefs but the common denominator was the joy of hate. More ancient that the the hatred of anothers skin color is the hatred of the Jews. In cookie cutter medieval Europe the Jews stood out in appearance. They stood out as scapegoats to blame immaturely for every misfortune.They played "whomp-a-mole" with Jews for centuries. But they stood out mostly as being framed for the killers of Jesus Christ. Christians hunted and persecuted the Jews also as competion for the "right religion". That rivalry brought Christianity in conflict with Islam as well. In Muslim lands the Jews were competition for Islam. That earned them oppression and second class status in their caste system.

The worst suffering there could not approach the insulted otrage of the Roman Church and their flocks of iron.

So the groundwork was set for the bigotry of today, Hatemongers on the internet are concerned with facts. Many are confronted by facts they simply dismiss as inconsequential. On many cases they simply not even aware of a a small modicom of historical knowlegde or even reasoning ability. They arent pursuing the truth. They insist they are after the truth but there is little truth there. Its a derivative of the magical hatred of the Middle ages the Church encouraged. The Church created legions of these zombies in those "days of yore" but they cannot put them all back in the cage. There arent really that many. Just enough to slant the internet. Whereas they were loners in the past; today they are a social network in the quest of what theyre addicted to. They are junkies of Hate. These monsters became the Nazi Germany in the desperate era of post World war 1 depressions. You see them in certain areas, certain threads repeating the same blames over and over on a rote continuum. You would think that forums are there for discussion with words. but they use the words like weapons to distort, to lie, to exaggerate in small compositions composed of truth a lies called disinformation. Thises distortions immediately reward the authors as verification. While its not really verification but a pretense they get a high of gratifaction. So facts dont matter at all. They are continually looking for that high. The best way for this gratifucation is a back-slapping interaction. Forums like Stormfront gove these dregs of humanity an opportunity to meet and feed of of each ones hate. The first hate forums Ive entered I was the only Jew, There were some predisposed to decency who were not Jews. This time was the Second Intifada where all varieties of bigots fed off of the joy of hating Jews. The right wingers, the wde variety of Neo-Nazis and whir supremacists cried crocodile tears for Palestinians as they still do. The outraged equality deceived liberals anf leftists are convinced by the hate and see the dogma a real. No pretense exist for them. But they too get a charge is commiserating hoe they hate Jews, The absurdity of many viewpoints and blane for multitudes of issues raraly dawns on them. But the rightists suppress the need for logic and credibility.

The knee-slapping, backslapping festivals bring in people like me determined to bring the haters down to earth with facts. Facts that refute the bias, the dogma. When this happens I notice its like sudden dawn at a vampyre party. They sometimes quickly vanish amid cries, tantrums, rages, slurs. After they leave its as if they wait in their coffins for the murmurs of reality to subside or peter out.

You find that the decent fair minded posters that patrol the forums to break up the festivities have a variety if reasons to do this. Sometimes they just hate the haters. Sometimes they are just smarter. They are determined people usually conservative. But I found whether by accident or design more Jews like me started entering the fray. Forums like Reportersnotebook Message board were more starting to be visited by Jews, Zionists and other anti-bigots. That was one hate fest that petered out until Network54 got so many reports of racism they revoked the owner Michael Santmauros contract. Liberty Forum was next for me. There i met at first free thinkers and later Jews horrified at the regurgation of dismissed anti-semitic lies. Two I remember were Down South and Sgt Stryker. Down South obviously a veteran of this word wars told me The kind of psychically marginal people who join neo Nazi groups are looking for the solace of a Total explanation of the universe because for them, life is simply too confusing and unsettleing. The emotional food of these people is hate, They need it to distract then from seeing the reality barely comprehend.