In the latter 20th century two nations ostracized for internal policies were South Africa and Israel.It was called APARTHEID and ther word was derived from Afrikaner Dutch. This long standing policy separated the black and white races in South Africa. This was a effort to control the majority indigenous peoples and keep them from empowerment by the descendents of colonial settlers. The struggle of black South Africans achieved worldwide support as it was likened to a David Vs Goliath clash with a strong justice/injustice issue. In 1994 it was ended in South Africa due to political and economic pressure. Though the term was occasionally used in the Israel-Palestine conflict it lost popularity in that application due to the Oslo Accords.
With the 2nd Intifada the term was revived in 2000. The term was used towards the Israel/Palestine conflict by right wing and left wing or liberal. Of course the use by rightist elements is entirely hypocritical. It gained much validity when adopted by former President Jimmy Carter. However "aparthied" is a blunt, imprecise instrument. It means separation of races within a nation. The Israelis are a conglomeration of cultures, ethnic groups and MOST IMPORTANTLY races from all over the world. The Palestinians arent separated from their empowerment; they are separated as an enemy camp. They are stormtroopers of the Islamic effort to restore dhimmi status of Jews and destroy the Jewish infidel state. You discrminate against people trying to kill you. sp Separation is a security tool. And its bourne out by the facts of the 2nd Intifada where bombings and gunfights necessitated more security separation in the form of checkpoints, separate roads and the security wall. Indeed those efforts ended the 2nd intifada. Since Palestine is NOT part of Israel, here the apartheid words fails.
Today the use of this inaccrate term has spread beyond the liberal media and into the Arab and Muslims worlds
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