Friday, October 30, 2009

The Haredi Anti-Zionists, the Tool of the Bigots

The Neturei Karta Orthodox, the Satmars, the Anti Zionist Jews and the True Torah Jews all live in a magical universe where God comes down from heaven and the Messiah grants them the Kingdom of Jerusalem. No God helps those who help themselves. They number in a few thousand and would be wiped out by Arab fighters as quickly as the Peaceful Essenes were eliminated by Roman legions.

They are a few thousand Jews who live in priviledged isolation. This compared to the millions of other Israelis who engage the world through self defense, through economic progress as well as philosophical/religious progress.

What strikes me as humourous is that the very same Haredis that Christian fundamentalist Jew haters champion as being great Anti-Zionists also spit on outsiders. These Christian Jew haters never mention this! Either they havent connected the dots or they hope no one else will. The Haredis are offended that others would try to tape or photgraph then and thus "steal their souls".

These are Haredis were strict intrepreters of who and when the Messiah arrives, but its obvious from Israelis survival and its victories over those who want to "drive the Jews into the Sea" THAT THERE ARE MIRACLES IN OUR MIDST! Both 1948 and 1967 show us that God Helps those who help themselves.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Go Ahead Boycott Israel

It was during the Gaza War. On the forums I frequent there was a major offensve by Jew haters to report every distortion, disinformation, outright lie and negative report from Arab, and White Supremacist sources.
It was an avalanche of bad PR. I was  prepared for the content but not the volume. This was generally a repeat of the 2006 Hezbullah War in terms of Jew hatred actions on the forums. Jew haters in forums are a melange of White Supremacists, Christian Identity, Klan types, White Power types.Aryan Nations fans, Neo Nazis (can leave them out),  Bible thumpers, independent bigots, outraged leftists (the naive ones), liberals (more naive types) and some who pretend to be liberal but turn out to be fring right wing. There a almost no Muslims or Arabs. Most cheer for blood and more blood. Many cheer for Jewish blood.
The clarion call was to boycott Israel for its "crimes" in Gaza. It was repeated in in hatefest perpetually.
I read some new press on Israel model Bar Rafael. So all I added were the words. "GO AHEAD BOYCOTT ISRAEL". You neverheard such misogynist and sex cries of horror. Studly flesh gazing bigots were all turned into ministers and priest instantly. I was amazing. And that quieted the remarks perceivably.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Empire of Greater Israel

Jew Haters, Israel haters  but not Anti-Zionists (few if any)  always distort the size of the Jewish state by semantics. They use elaborate language meant to inflame the ignorant, confused and other newbies about Israel expansion. But these people are very good with propaganda and use socialist/leftist terminology, or ancent christian anti-semtic terminology, depending on whether they left wing or rightwing, to misrepresent the reality of Israel in the middleeast.. Islamist Arabs and other anti-Israeli Muslims use both approaches.
Another word thats incorrect and meant to outrage is "aparthied".
I encounter the hardcore types on forums. They are hardcore on the left and right. But the lines get blurred as rightist pretend to be left and vics versa. But manyhave no ideology except hatred of Jews.
They repeat  incessantly that Israel is expanding and confiscating Arab lands all over the Middle East. A good example is the absurd Greater Israel post that Israel has it's goal on an Empire from the Eurphrates to the Nile, since King David had such a realm. I've already written about this.
Those a little more practical  go on to point out examples like Israel conquering Lebanon since they "occupy" Sheba'a Farm disputed boundary issueon the Golan Heights. Since Lebanon and Syria never resolved  the problem BEFORE 1967 its now balloned into a major international outrage of occupied Lebanon.
They also mention the Israel-PLO War invasion of Lebanon in 1982. But they NEVER mention that the PLO controlled their own section of Lebanon from 1976 to 1983 and launched Katushya rockets AT Northern Israel in 1978 and AGAIN in 1982. The 1982 incident led Iasraels to attempt to destoy the PLO by surrounding Beirut.  To prevent future attacks Israel set up a Christian state in southern Lebanon. This too is pointed at as expansion despit no settlements ever existing. So they ignore the point od Israeli withdrawal in 2000 which sparked the 2nd intifada as Arabs salivated at perceived Israeli weakness.
The 2006 Hezbullah War is mentioned as a land grab attempt when its quite clearly a self defense measure to stop missiles raining on Northern Israel for a month. They also point to the territories in the West Bank and Gaza which were never annexed. In fact they are silent when you mention the  Expulsion of  Jewish settlers from Gaza.
But whats pointed out with great glee is the territories conquered in the 6 Day War. Thats expansion thay cry with pretend wounded cries. Sinai was occupied but after Anwar Saat went to Jerusalem and later signed a peace treaty, that resulted in his assaisination, Israel withdrew section by section from the Sinai including dismantling settlements like Yamit.
Yes Israel DID annex the Golan and East Jerusalem. Those areas when occupied by Arabs were exploited and used as launchpads for weapons fire INTO Israel. The West Bank  or Samaria/Judea   remained settler pfree for most of the first 10 years. And since Jordan refused to negotiate LAND FOR PEACE it remain in Israel hands. King Hussein sat on his hands capitulating to the Arab League and their proxies the PLO. Exventually all rights to that part of Jordan was given to the PLO.
Jewish settler consider these lands part of Jewish history and they create settlements betwen Arab towns most of the time on fallow Arab land. This I must concede is the only expansion I can see.
But if you look at Israel in comparison with its hostile neighbors on a map you are astonshed
You can barely see Israel and the proto-state of Palestine. Only Lebanon is smaller. Egypt, Jordam (which intially WAS part of Palestine), Syria, Saudi Arbia, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and Algeria loom like Soviet Russia over Poland! They are humongous mega expanses. Israel haters MAKE sure never to bring maps into the debate! The Arabs are greedy in not being able to recognize a tiny sliver of a non-Muslim state in their midst.
They consider this a loss for Arab Muslim heritage. These lands once conquired should alway remain Muslim,. Its their UMMA lands forever! This applies to other losses like Spain. and the Balkans too but in a much lesser way. Those loses arent as fresh and raw like Israel! They view the area from Morocco to Persia (Iran) as a great Arab carpet mosaic with reds, greens, blacks and white suddenly infected by alien blue Israel. So in reality 19 mile wide Israel is very small but its exaggerated  to a huge size by the outraged psychology of the Arab mind.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Palestinians Before They Knew They Were Palestinians 1920-1948

Remember the Palestinians before their fear and paranoia of all things Western as well Jewish made them tools of the Arab League and later The Islamic Republic of Iran.

When the Jews/Zionists arrived in 1878 they were small in number. They were scattered and they bought the most undesirable plots of land from Arab and Turkish effendis or landlords. The Muslim Arabs eventually began to fear the disappearance of their religion and culture. The extreme freedoms and incredible materialism were not welcomed by many Arabs. They feared and perhaps rightly so that unless Islam was enforced more strictly droves of Arabs would abandon Islam. Ever since the Middle Ages Arabia, Lebanon and Syria (upper Syria) , Iraq (called Mesopotamia by the West), and Lower Syria(Called Palestine by the West) , were in suspended animation remaining in the 13th century by the non-progressive Ottoman (Turkish) Empire or the Grand Porte or the Caliphate. When the British defeated the Ottoman forces in 1917 Palestine became a mandate of the British Empre (really a colony, the British loved colonies). This tremendously increased the fear of Muslim Arabs in exposure of their stagnant culture to Western liberated notions. The Caliph in Constantinople was no longer in charge! Europeans were!! So the onslaught of alien yet enticing European values terrified all Arabs there. All other Arab States in North Africa were colonized already and had the roughly the same struggles. That set the stage for reaction.

Te Grand Mufti al-Husseini of Jerusalem made the first aggressive move as Arabs are wont to do, in 1920 by attacking Jews, rioting and massacring Jews. This continued into 1921. Riots broke out in 1929 that massacred many Jews of Hebron so that they left and didn’t return until after the Six Day War victory secured Hebron once again. That is why that city/town is so important to the Jewish Settler movement.

The Grand Mufti next project was most ambitious. Immigration from of persecuted and oppressed Jews from Nazi Germany rove the immigration levels up. The Arabs were far more xenophobic that charitable. They demanded immigration cease and 3 years of massacres and riots began anew. The Grand Mufti called for all Arabs to attack Jews. When many Arabs refused to do so; his forces attacked the moderated. This action has been repeated up to this day. That’s why moderates in Palestine and across the Arab world barely utter a sound at wonton attacks by radicals Islamists to this day.

From 1936 to 1939 510 Jews were killed. It was a lower number than expected as by then Jews had set up self defense militias in kibbutzim and cities. But the Arab death count was much greater. It was ARAB on ARAB violence. They also attacked the British this time. The many British were anti-semitic (towards Jews) as was the ancient prejudice still was not dismissed by science and liberalism completely. The also admired the "knights" of the desert- The Arab as written about by Lawrence of Arabia. By 1939 the British issued a White Paper restricting and later ending all immigration by Jews from Germany and later German occupied Europe. This gave the British the marvelous opportunity of the Brits becoming partners in the genocide of 6 million Jews with Nazi Germany. The Jews were refused admittance in most countries in such LARGE numbers. Still the Jews tried many deals to secure release of doomed European Jews going well in World War 2. The British arefused wartime releases as well. So then began the smuggling-Jews-to-save-lives operation by Zionist organizations and Palestinian Jews

What did the Grand Mufti al-Husseini do when World War 2 began? His intense hated and fear of Jews made him write off his fear of Europeans so he joined the Nazi Government as a visiting dignitary and later as a ss commander. Frequently he would call for the extermination of the Jews. He met with Hitler and they admired bloodthirstiness. in each other.

After the War al-Husseini restarted the war against the Jews minus the 6 million of course.

Attacks began AGAIN in 1946 and were in full war mode by 1947. Rich Arabs (moderate) fearing more attacks by the Grand Mufti as well as the Jews all left.

The United Nations set a Bi-National state in Resolution 181. This 2 state solution probably would have resembled the Bi-National Federation in Bosnia today if the Arabs accepted it. They would not.

Instead they called for the liquidation of the Jewish part. Seeing the Jews would NOW set up an independent state, the Grand Mufti asked the Arab League to "drive the Jews into the sea" . Iraq, Lebanon. Syria, Egypt, TransJordan, and the Arab Palestinians. rallied to the death cause. Rumors, fears and warnings impelled most Arab Palestinians to leave the theatre of war.

To the shock of the world especially the Arabs the Hagannah, (really bunch of militias) defeated all 5 Arab Armies and set up the current Jewish state. The intense hatred and xenophobia of the Jews brought into concrete reality the most feared thing the Grand Mufti al-Husseini he could imagine a Jewish country in Muslim Umma lands not under any Islamic dhimmi (2nd class caste rules of the Muslim era).

Jews now could look into the eyes of Muslim Arabs as equals. as warriors in what Muslims deemed was their holy sacred part of the Planet Earth!!!!

It wasn’t til much later that the Arab refugees of war were given an identity and therefore country called Palestine. It was a great strategy by Yasir Arafat 1964.They took the name from the British who like Europeans use the latin word invented by the Romans upon the destruction of Judea in the 1st century. The Brits need it to differentiate it from Syria which became French Syria and Lebanon. Today the Palestinians insist there was always an Arab nation of Palestine. They have even invented a backstory of a prosperous peaceful country. Of course the major telling point to the contrary is the word Palestine being of Latin origin. So when Palestinians pronounce it they say Filistine or Falestine as P is not in the Arab language.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jesus Christ was a Zionist!

Jesus Christ or Yeshua of the Nazareans was indeed a Zionist. What is a Zionist? Zionists have always desired to continue a Jewish presence at the point of origin. That's Zion a hill in Jerusalem.This includes all efforts to repel those who would like to convert the Jews to other religions. Conversion efforts continue to this day. The Greek Empire of Syria of the Selucid dynasty set up idols to squash the Jewish identity and any propensity to revolt. This actually created a revolt and susequent war that gave Judea and surrounding areas autonomy. So when the Romans moved and began to systematically usurp power from local rulers a century later the reaction was similar. When Emperor Augustus created the Caesar as God concept he demanded the whole Empire religiously capitulate. Jews refused to abandon their worship. The Romans derisively called Yahweh their invisible God. When the Romans took over Judea they made the local rulers and the temple priests into puppets. Eventually governors like Pontus Pilate took over from local kings enraging the populace. The sentiment was now not only restore Judea (Zion) and other Jewish areas, but the Temple as well.

Alas, the Revolution never materialized. Now a crucifixtion survivor Jesus was a wanted man. Wanted notices of Jesus still exist. So he had to leave Jerusalem, Judea and the area. He most likely picked the most safe area away from control of Rome. He might very well have traveled to Parthia (Persia). Maybe he did go to Afghanistan, India, Tibet and central Asia. But he told his followers he would return. There is evidence he did; just in time for the First Jewish War against Rome.He believed that the Jews sovereignity needed to be restored. He was a Zionist!!

Of course wanna-be Jew Paul later merged his pagan ideas of Apollo like ressurrection with Jesus survival of the cross and promise to return into a gentile inclusive religion. But thats another story.....
Alas, the Revolution never materialized. Now a crucifixtion survivor Jesus was a wanted man. Wanted notices of Jesus still exist. So he had to leave Jerusalem, Judea and the area. He most likely picked the most safe area away from control of Rome. He might very well have traveled to Parthia (Persia). Maybe he did go to Afghanistan, India, Tibet and central Asia. But he told his followers he would return. There is evidence he did; just in time for the First Jewish War against Rome. He believed that the Jews sovereignity needed to be restored. He was a Zionist!!

Of course wanna-be Jew Paul later merged his pagan ideas of Apollo like ressurrection with Jesus survival of the cross and promise to return into a gentile inclusive religion. But thats another story...

Since the leaders were comprised as quislings poular grassroots personalities attrempted to restore the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Some were of the royal line going back to King David. Jesus the Christ was one such rebel.There were many who attempted open revolt like Judas of Galilee others took up the mantle of critic/prophet like John the Baptist (mikveh). Still others declared miracles would follow the presence into Jerusalem. All were crucified as historical research and archaeology have confirmed. Jesus was one person to try a different tack. He believed as the claimant for Kingshp was based on his royal blood; his crucifixtion would bring about open revoltion in Judea. The quislings Anas and Caiaphas opposed this along with the Romans. Enforcement of the "peace" was a Roman operation. In the Gospels it quite obvious if one read the words that Jesus planned it in detail. Judas his most beloved disciple was made a very convincing betrayer. Jesus wanted to be crucified. In this way he would cause a revolution anf a following revolution. Then he would rule as Messiah or King of Israel, Judea and the Jews. He picked an excellent time so that he would by on the cross for only 6 hours because Romans acceeded to the Jews religious demands that no one be tortured on Sabbath. Six hours though excruciating was surviable. A revived Christ would the call for liberation. There is evidence that there were poisons or drugs used then to imitate death; and speculation that the liquid presented to Jesus/Yeshua contained such.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Magic Kabbalistic Number of 6 million



Holocaust Revisionists are a special kind of Jew hater. To call them Holocaust Revisionists is of course way too kind. They are actually Holocaust Deniers. There are 3 types of Holocaust Deniers. Those of low intelligience who believe the malarkey that there was no holocaust its trumped up to make the Global Zionists look like victims. Those who desperately want to satisfy their hate; so they want to believe. Even if though their consciences always speak from their shoulders trying to remind them where reality is. And then the third and most evil type is those who know very well the Holocaust happened but their agenda to bring back institutional persecution of the Jewish people.

They believe their spoken falsehoods will erase the truth enough to reintrduce this persecution withs its acommpanying false charges of blaming Jews for every ill in existence. They might even wish for another Holocaust.

Holocaust Revisionists like Will Carto or Rivero jumped on way to ridicule and delegitimize the Holocaust by staing not only was it invented but there was an attempt to invent it in the post World War 1` period in famine stricken Europe. They brought out of newspaper archives the ads you see above about starving people in Central and Eastern Europe and said "this" proves that the the Holocaust of the 1920's was invented. Of course they neglect to mention THEY invented it. They say it cant be a coincidence that 6 million in the 1920;s is the exact nuber of the 1940's Jewish Holocaust. They fail to mention that the 1920's figure includes Jews and Non-Jews while the Nazi Holocaust was 6 million Jews and 5 million Non-Jews. But if you carely read the ads or calls to aid the European victims, Jewish and not, you see there is no attempt to invent anything. I have taken these ads andto pointed out what the Revisionists (Deniers) dont want you to see (or think).

What I am referring to in the title is that these Revisionists and their devoted bigoted lapdogs have made the charge that the 6 million figure wad a speciall kabbalistic number that is supposed to "haunt" Jews. Its fiction like what all Holocaust Deniers say. Its meant to demean anything Jewish!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The World's remaining Apartheid Regime

In the latter 20th century two nations ostracized for internal policies were South Africa and Israel.It was called APARTHEID and ther word was derived from Afrikaner Dutch. This long standing policy separated the black and white races in South Africa. This was a effort to control the majority indigenous peoples and keep them from empowerment by the descendents of colonial settlers. The struggle of black South Africans achieved worldwide support as it was likened to a David Vs Goliath clash with a strong justice/injustice issue. In 1994 it was ended in South Africa due to political and economic pressure. Though the term was occasionally used in the Israel-Palestine conflict it lost popularity in that application due to the Oslo Accords.

With the 2nd Intifada the term was revived in 2000. The term was used towards the Israel/Palestine conflict by right wing and left wing or liberal. Of course the use by rightist elements is entirely hypocritical. It gained much validity when adopted by former President Jimmy Carter. However "aparthied" is a blunt, imprecise instrument. It means separation of races within a nation. The Israelis are a conglomeration of cultures, ethnic groups and MOST IMPORTANTLY races from all over the world. The Palestinians arent separated from their empowerment; they are separated as an enemy camp. They are stormtroopers of the Islamic effort to restore dhimmi status of Jews and destroy the Jewish infidel state. You discrminate against people trying to kill you. sp Separation is a security tool. And its bourne out by the facts of the 2nd Intifada where bombings and gunfights necessitated more security separation in the form of checkpoints, separate roads and the security wall. Indeed those efforts ended the 2nd intifada. Since Palestine is NOT part of Israel, here the apartheid words fails.

Today the use of this inaccrate term has spread beyond the liberal media and into the Arab and Muslims worlds

Friday, October 16, 2009

Media Manipulation Via Editorial Cartoons with distortions and exaggerations REVEALED

I usually find editorial cartoons on the Israeli conflict are particularly shallow or deceitful. Here I have taken about 3 such editorial cartoons are are blatantly Pro-Palestinian (Arab) that is so obviously panders to the ignorant uneducated observers on the world stage. I take it apart showing how the cartoonist tries to bypass the reasoning brain in refer to the facts of this subject in order to get the outraged knee jerk reactions.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Israeli Children Signing Missiles in Lebanon War

This photo from the Hezbollah Lebanon War shows Israeli youngsters signing missiles. Over and over descriptions indicated that these kids were signing weapons with
evil intent that were destined to be fired into Lebanon. This doesnt make sense. as no Israeli parents would ever let children touch live ammunition, The missiles were actually spent rockets that were launched by Hezbollah at the Israelis. These
rockets kept Israelis in bomb shelters the length of the entire war. So the youngsters were "peace-ifying' the used weapons with words and flowers. That conclusion contrasts with the media coverage of the event. All reports erroneously or maliciously only mentioned the false propaganda of kids signing missiles destined for Lebanon. It was only in 2009 that I finally read the truth of "peaceifying" spent ammo!!! Common sense here took a backseat to bias, prejudice, ignorance and hatred.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Islamic Theocracy is not Nice

Iran is at a crossroads. Once a Westernized country it was thrust back in time to the medieval ages. They have the superficial trappings of a democracy but really are ruled by a mafia of Mullahs. When the rubber met the road last June it was obvious the trappings were ripped awat. the Pretense was exposed and the people tied their version of the Yellow or Orange Revolutions. Entirely peaceful the demonstrators were terrorixzd and preyed on by government snipers. It was revealed to the world that Iran is a theocracy.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Islam is not Compatible with Modernity

Christianity had its Protestant Reformation. It has the Counter Catholic Reformation. It had the Enlightenment. The Age of Reason. Confined to the medieval Ottoman Empire Islam calcified. So upon the coloizations from the Europeans Islamic culture adopted Western ideals superficially in order to function. But the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula continued to stagnate isolated from the West. So When the Jews arrived in Palestine they realized that their frozen beliefs could not survive against Western ideals and culture they could only react violently. They attacked what they thought was the source of decadence and temptation...the Jews. Today the entire Muslim Arab world has been thrust into modern society. So is it a wonder how a crumbling warrior society results in bomb plots around the world and efforts to bring in Sharia. They make absurd compromises not really seeing the incongruity. If its pointed out they react with furor. What is sad is that they are just interpretations with patriarchal roots. They suppress women in head to toe psychological prisons that pretend to be custom. These values clash with Western society. They are not compatible with modernity.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It actually says in the Qu'ran that the Land Of Israel actually belongs to the Jews

So the Muslims who rage against the discontinuity called the Jewish state are apostate. Muslims are taught that from Morocco to India there is a pattern of Islam in smooth transition from infidel Christians in Spain to infidel Hindu pagans. That the Jews break the pattern and stand as equals having thrown off dhimmi, enrages them, That is the a source of the Mideast conflict.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Absurd Accusation of Greater Israel

Bigots often bring up the accusation that 13 mile wide Israel is expanding and threatening to gobble up the Fertile Crescent or the Middle East. They dont mention Israeli withdrawals from the Sinai. Lebanon and Gaza. That would ruin the basis of their lies.
Not that Israel has not expanded since the 6 Day /Yom Yippur Wars ceasefire lines. They have annexed the Golan and East Jerusalem. But an Israeli Empire that still remains a quick drive across; its not.
They adopt Hitler's strategy of the big lie and repeatedly post the same accusation. Posting perpetually in forums and yahoo groups mainly; their aim is to confuse and enrage the ignorant.
Of course like most Jew hater accusations they are easily dismissed and superficial.
They base this idea on the fact that fundamentalist Jews and therefore , in their eyes all Jews, want to recreate the David and Solomon Empire that stretched from the Eurphrates to the River of Egypt. What shows the bigots up as ignorant themselves is that they often state the River of Egypt is the Nile, when biblically it was a wadi near El Arish.
So here I posted 3 graphics that began their existences as graphics created by Jew haters.
I have added text.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Out of Touch Jew Haters using Archaic Images from the early 20th Century

Why are they using the Hasid image from over a century ago?
Islamist, Radical Arabs, Neo Nazis, White Supremacists still use outdated images describing Israelis and other Jews.

Friday, October 2, 2009

There are no magic x ray guided missiles.

I am posting all my editorial cartoons for the next few weeks. So far I have not seen my particular perspective on the Middle East conflict anywhere on the internet.

Here I use a frequent Israel basher cartoon to show the reality behind the UN /International controversy on reports surrounding Israel's participation in the recent Gaza War. The obvious take on how Israelis are suppossed to limit urban warfare while rockets are raining on Sderot, Ashkelon, etc .This is to show the cynical attitude of Israelis toward a biased world court that doesnt not treat all parties equally. The absurd arguement of Israeli control over warfare is contrasted to Hamas control over their bombardment and their human shield strategy meant to create as much casualities as possible among Palestinans. Whats left out is Hamas firing from the vicinity of schools, markets, shelters, apartment buildings and mosques in order to get Israel fire to create new martyrs for the Hamas Islamic cause. You tknow the Culture of Death.