Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Magic Kabbalistic Number of 6 million



Holocaust Revisionists are a special kind of Jew hater. To call them Holocaust Revisionists is of course way too kind. They are actually Holocaust Deniers. There are 3 types of Holocaust Deniers. Those of low intelligience who believe the malarkey that there was no holocaust its trumped up to make the Global Zionists look like victims. Those who desperately want to satisfy their hate; so they want to believe. Even if though their consciences always speak from their shoulders trying to remind them where reality is. And then the third and most evil type is those who know very well the Holocaust happened but their agenda to bring back institutional persecution of the Jewish people.

They believe their spoken falsehoods will erase the truth enough to reintrduce this persecution withs its acommpanying false charges of blaming Jews for every ill in existence. They might even wish for another Holocaust.

Holocaust Revisionists like Will Carto or Rivero jumped on way to ridicule and delegitimize the Holocaust by staing not only was it invented but there was an attempt to invent it in the post World War 1` period in famine stricken Europe. They brought out of newspaper archives the ads you see above about starving people in Central and Eastern Europe and said "this" proves that the the Holocaust of the 1920's was invented. Of course they neglect to mention THEY invented it. They say it cant be a coincidence that 6 million in the 1920;s is the exact nuber of the 1940's Jewish Holocaust. They fail to mention that the 1920's figure includes Jews and Non-Jews while the Nazi Holocaust was 6 million Jews and 5 million Non-Jews. But if you carely read the ads or calls to aid the European victims, Jewish and not, you see there is no attempt to invent anything. I have taken these ads andto pointed out what the Revisionists (Deniers) dont want you to see (or think).

What I am referring to in the title is that these Revisionists and their devoted bigoted lapdogs have made the charge that the 6 million figure wad a speciall kabbalistic number that is supposed to "haunt" Jews. Its fiction like what all Holocaust Deniers say. Its meant to demean anything Jewish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Over four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in 135AD... 64 million children wrapped up in Torah scrolls and burnt.... apparently

The Jews' last stand at Bethar, Judah
in the final Roman Jewish war 135AD

"The voice of Jacob': this is the cry caused by the (Roman) Emperor Hadrian who killed in the city of Bethar four hundred thousand myriads"

Babylonian Talmud Gittin 57B

Jews always had a problem with numbers!

Was it 6 Million or 4 Billion?

What's a few 000000 between claims?