Friday, October 30, 2009

The Haredi Anti-Zionists, the Tool of the Bigots

The Neturei Karta Orthodox, the Satmars, the Anti Zionist Jews and the True Torah Jews all live in a magical universe where God comes down from heaven and the Messiah grants them the Kingdom of Jerusalem. No God helps those who help themselves. They number in a few thousand and would be wiped out by Arab fighters as quickly as the Peaceful Essenes were eliminated by Roman legions.

They are a few thousand Jews who live in priviledged isolation. This compared to the millions of other Israelis who engage the world through self defense, through economic progress as well as philosophical/religious progress.

What strikes me as humourous is that the very same Haredis that Christian fundamentalist Jew haters champion as being great Anti-Zionists also spit on outsiders. These Christian Jew haters never mention this! Either they havent connected the dots or they hope no one else will. The Haredis are offended that others would try to tape or photgraph then and thus "steal their souls".

These are Haredis were strict intrepreters of who and when the Messiah arrives, but its obvious from Israelis survival and its victories over those who want to "drive the Jews into the Sea" THAT THERE ARE MIRACLES IN OUR MIDST! Both 1948 and 1967 show us that God Helps those who help themselves.

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