Thursday, December 31, 2009

Deceived Fools

Rachel Corrie was a Jewish girl who died inadvertantly for Palestine. She was recruted by a leftist hate group called ISM. These type of groups philosphy is like that of the levelers in an effort to create a utopia. To them Israel is the lordly oppressor. They ignore the past, The wars, the riots. They see only what exists in the last decade at most. So they are already decieved by their philosophy

Rachel Corrie was not educated in her religion or in any spiritual way. Though she was Jewish she knew little about the Jewish experience or history. Judaism has a huge component of leveling type principles. And though education is left out or minimalized it's still taught in Judaic familes by deeds and thoughts sometimes subconsciously. So Rachel Corrie's sense of injustice brought her to Palestine. Without informing the driver Corries laid down in front of a house getting bulldozed for the families involvement in terrorism. Unaware of her position the driver ran over her and killed her.

There are many Rachel Corries out there. In the past they would have become bolesheviks, communists in an effort to right the wrongs and make the world fair. Today they join a variety of left wing groups. Today they adopt the lies, exaggerations, disinformation, of right wing groups such as white supremacists but more than ever right wing Islamic groups who appeal to their sense of fairness without mentioning their lack of fairness in their supremacist philosophy that Arabs need to lord over all others in regards to religion and ethnicity. They actually get Jews to work for them blocking Israeli embassies and such. Issues like disproporionate casualties in the Gaza war are sculpted to appeal to leftists and liberals a Jews and non Jews. Of course upon examination anyone with any historical knowledge or introspection. realizes that there is never equal or near equal casualties in Gaza or any war.

May Allah Destroy the Jews

I find in threads of discussion Arabs or Muslims pleading with Allah to destroy the Jews. This is usually followed by a prophecy that Allah wil surely listen to them and wipe out the Jews ot a least render them irrelevant. These are the religious fundamentalist groups. They live in a magical universe where the Qu'ran is a history of events rather than literature for spreading Islam, Its not the same thing. The light to this darkness of self righteousness is logic. If Israel was created in the first place didnt Allah create them? Theu often answer that Allah is only setting the Jews up for punishment. They "know" this in their hearts to be true, I counter how do you know this, Did Allah email you? How are you privy to the thoughts of Allah? Its a metaphyical impossibility to know the mind of Allah. Its like an ant understanding quantum physics.  Its quite interesting that we live with the fruits of reason, logic, and invention; some us still consciously live in a medieval world where starts arent suns but holes in the firmament. At this point the other debater either vanishes or throws a tantrums and rages about my personal life and/or character. Then they leave.

Universal hatred refuted

One never ending point of Jew haters is that Jews or Israel is universally disliked, Like many other anti-semitic beliefs it defies logic. Its mere absurdity astounds level headed people. How do you hate a group of 16 million people? Based on knowing 4%, 10%, 25%, 48%, 65%, 87% of the 16 million??? Or based on what others write. Did they conduct a survey? No they are just myths to give bigots the gratification of hatred. The Myth of universal or earth-wide hatred is based on a more primitive time when Jews were not welcome in Christian lands and oppressed in Muslim ones. This era immediately preceding out own was rife with prejudice, bias hatred and racis, It was even considered de rigeur in the USA. Not only the South but everywhere. From the Dark Ages these beliefs dwindled away under the application of reason in the Ages of Reason and Enlightenment in the 1700's and 1800's, The horror of the Holocaust squashed out negative ways of regarding our fellow human beings so much that the originator of Jew Hatred the Roman Church tool logic in hand and reversed their dogma on the Jews.
So when Jew haters insist in their blindered way this till exists U point out that the Israeli Olympics or Maccabiah Games was attended to by over 50 nations not giving in to the pressure to boycott by Arab police states, oil sheikdoms, the Iran theocratic police state, and their client toadies.