Friday, January 1, 2010

Psychically Marginal People - Junkies of Hate

There are many personalities that roam internet forums. In my wanderings around these forums Ive encountered many types. The forums I frequented had an unusually high number of Jew Haters. They were from a variety of politcal and religious beliefs but the common denominator was the joy of hate. More ancient that the the hatred of anothers skin color is the hatred of the Jews. In cookie cutter medieval Europe the Jews stood out in appearance. They stood out as scapegoats to blame immaturely for every misfortune.They played "whomp-a-mole" with Jews for centuries. But they stood out mostly as being framed for the killers of Jesus Christ. Christians hunted and persecuted the Jews also as competion for the "right religion". That rivalry brought Christianity in conflict with Islam as well. In Muslim lands the Jews were competition for Islam. That earned them oppression and second class status in their caste system.

The worst suffering there could not approach the insulted otrage of the Roman Church and their flocks of iron.

So the groundwork was set for the bigotry of today, Hatemongers on the internet are concerned with facts. Many are confronted by facts they simply dismiss as inconsequential. On many cases they simply not even aware of a a small modicom of historical knowlegde or even reasoning ability. They arent pursuing the truth. They insist they are after the truth but there is little truth there. Its a derivative of the magical hatred of the Middle ages the Church encouraged. The Church created legions of these zombies in those "days of yore" but they cannot put them all back in the cage. There arent really that many. Just enough to slant the internet. Whereas they were loners in the past; today they are a social network in the quest of what theyre addicted to. They are junkies of Hate. These monsters became the Nazi Germany in the desperate era of post World war 1 depressions. You see them in certain areas, certain threads repeating the same blames over and over on a rote continuum. You would think that forums are there for discussion with words. but they use the words like weapons to distort, to lie, to exaggerate in small compositions composed of truth a lies called disinformation. Thises distortions immediately reward the authors as verification. While its not really verification but a pretense they get a high of gratifaction. So facts dont matter at all. They are continually looking for that high. The best way for this gratifucation is a back-slapping interaction. Forums like Stormfront gove these dregs of humanity an opportunity to meet and feed of of each ones hate. The first hate forums Ive entered I was the only Jew, There were some predisposed to decency who were not Jews. This time was the Second Intifada where all varieties of bigots fed off of the joy of hating Jews. The right wingers, the wde variety of Neo-Nazis and whir supremacists cried crocodile tears for Palestinians as they still do. The outraged equality deceived liberals anf leftists are convinced by the hate and see the dogma a real. No pretense exist for them. But they too get a charge is commiserating hoe they hate Jews, The absurdity of many viewpoints and blane for multitudes of issues raraly dawns on them. But the rightists suppress the need for logic and credibility.

The knee-slapping, backslapping festivals bring in people like me determined to bring the haters down to earth with facts. Facts that refute the bias, the dogma. When this happens I notice its like sudden dawn at a vampyre party. They sometimes quickly vanish amid cries, tantrums, rages, slurs. After they leave its as if they wait in their coffins for the murmurs of reality to subside or peter out.

You find that the decent fair minded posters that patrol the forums to break up the festivities have a variety if reasons to do this. Sometimes they just hate the haters. Sometimes they are just smarter. They are determined people usually conservative. But I found whether by accident or design more Jews like me started entering the fray. Forums like Reportersnotebook Message board were more starting to be visited by Jews, Zionists and other anti-bigots. That was one hate fest that petered out until Network54 got so many reports of racism they revoked the owner Michael Santmauros contract. Liberty Forum was next for me. There i met at first free thinkers and later Jews horrified at the regurgation of dismissed anti-semitic lies. Two I remember were Down South and Sgt Stryker. Down South obviously a veteran of this word wars told me The kind of psychically marginal people who join neo Nazi groups are looking for the solace of a Total explanation of the universe because for them, life is simply too confusing and unsettleing. The emotional food of these people is hate, They need it to distract then from seeing the reality barely comprehend.


Anonymous said...

Learn to use english grammar, and learn to spell before you attempt a blog, you dumb prat! In your mind you are a zionist superhero, but in reality you are just a mentally challenged old bigot. haha what a joke you are..

Anonymous said...

Haha! look its kraplackey trying to be intellectual ! What a nasty piece of zionist shit. Kraplackey is your name and talking crap is his game! Guess who?