There are idealist left wing or leftist idealists corralled (like cattle) by white supremacist operatives (Nazis and other similar flavors). If you go through anti-semitic Yahoo and google groups, Youtube, internet forums ( from the left and right- Most run by the right FOR the left) you may not be able to distinguish between the foolers and the fooled. There is a deliberate campaign by a network of right wing ideologues to bring about conditions for another Holocaust or at least a turn of public opinion against Jews and Israel! And this has been going on well before the worldwide web! Now they have been joined by Islamists (Fundamentalists Muslims) of mostly Arab background. This has created a cross cultural current of pre WW2 anti-semitic literature (propaganda) to be rehashed between Islamist and Arabist circles and white supremacist Jew Haters around the world. And Most of it was created in the USA as well as Nazi Germany then. [This may have contributed to the overwhelming atmosphere of guilt AFTER WW2 that helped Israel and suppressed anti-semitism then] They come out like clockwork in every conflict involving Israel. I notice how other issues like Tibet, Darfur, Burma, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Zimbabwe etc are ignored or dismissed. This campaign has its roots in the 19th century. They raid Jewish Yahoo groups as well as others with spam attacks. When you try to engage them you realize their composite nature of ignorant idealists and rabid Nazi/Klan advocates. Both the idealists and grizzled supremacists pretend to know to be versed in historical details but when challenged you get the idea they just read the plethora of anti-Semitic sites and barely know current events, recent history, world history or ancient history. And the hostile reaction is telling as well. Rarely do they reply in a coherent or logical way. 1. They simply dismiss facts they cant intellectually digest, in many tangential ways. 2. They simply say that cannot be true. 3. They proclaim me a liar or Zionist or Illuminati agent or Satan. (really!!) 4. They ignore me. 5. They predict the END OF THE JEWS in many different MAGICAL and BIBLICALLY-DERIVED ways 6. They will dismiss me labeling me as part of a group or conspiracy that follows orders robotically when its the JEW HATERS is unconsciously a robot of bias and hatred! (like when white supremacists call Jews….get this….. Jewish supremacists) 7.They taunt and insult me like 8 year old children (this is the most frequent and pathetic reaction) They will post any graphic or photo usually misleading or forged that will make Israel or Jews look evil. At the outbreak of any conflict with Israel involved there will be a rain of dead baby photos with text pronouncing Israeli responsibilty.
These photos will have originated with The Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanese Wars Please note that other non-Iisraeli wars will be mostly ignored by the coalition of rightist led leftists. There will be no coverage of internal Lebanese conflicts, (with their origin in the IGNORED LEBANESE CIVIL WAR.), the Algerian massacres (yes ignored massacres!!), the Polasario-Morrocan war, the African Continental wars in Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, other African wars in Liberia, Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, the Sudan, Chad, Somalia and humanitarian crises with liberation struggles in Tibet, East Turkestan, Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, Southern Thailand. Islamist collaborators often try their darnest to drag the reluctant right wingers into coverage of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Kashmir. And then the discussion is given some brief attention and moves quickly back to Israel. Some like Henry Makow will pretend to be Jewish in an effort to say even Jews can be Jew haters. This in conjunction with crazy Illuminist and other tracts and histories concocted with a mixture of facts and fictions.
Yes there are many liberal left wing Jews who hold Israel up to a gleaming standard while ignoring the thugs of Hamas. You see it’s the Bibles Jews, Their spiritual ancestors How could they retalitate against attacks. They should be holy priests not soldiers. That’s devoid of reality.Im sorry to say but it’s the Republicans and their radical Christian Zionist rapturists who are insidiously doing Israel and the Jews JUST AS MUCH damage by promoting conflict, with the Arabs and ignoring reproachments with the possibility of Islamic moderates (who need protection and encouragement) Anti-Semitism has always been the expert domain of Rightists. Their thoughts and tactics are more organized here. That doesn’t dismiss the left wing Jew haters whenther independent or led by the rightists. They are quite potent but like many liberals and leftists subdivided with many divergent ideas leading to disorganization.
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