Thursday, December 31, 2009

Deceived Fools

Rachel Corrie was a Jewish girl who died inadvertantly for Palestine. She was recruted by a leftist hate group called ISM. These type of groups philosphy is like that of the levelers in an effort to create a utopia. To them Israel is the lordly oppressor. They ignore the past, The wars, the riots. They see only what exists in the last decade at most. So they are already decieved by their philosophy

Rachel Corrie was not educated in her religion or in any spiritual way. Though she was Jewish she knew little about the Jewish experience or history. Judaism has a huge component of leveling type principles. And though education is left out or minimalized it's still taught in Judaic familes by deeds and thoughts sometimes subconsciously. So Rachel Corrie's sense of injustice brought her to Palestine. Without informing the driver Corries laid down in front of a house getting bulldozed for the families involvement in terrorism. Unaware of her position the driver ran over her and killed her.

There are many Rachel Corries out there. In the past they would have become bolesheviks, communists in an effort to right the wrongs and make the world fair. Today they join a variety of left wing groups. Today they adopt the lies, exaggerations, disinformation, of right wing groups such as white supremacists but more than ever right wing Islamic groups who appeal to their sense of fairness without mentioning their lack of fairness in their supremacist philosophy that Arabs need to lord over all others in regards to religion and ethnicity. They actually get Jews to work for them blocking Israeli embassies and such. Issues like disproporionate casualties in the Gaza war are sculpted to appeal to leftists and liberals a Jews and non Jews. Of course upon examination anyone with any historical knowledge or introspection. realizes that there is never equal or near equal casualties in Gaza or any war.

May Allah Destroy the Jews

I find in threads of discussion Arabs or Muslims pleading with Allah to destroy the Jews. This is usually followed by a prophecy that Allah wil surely listen to them and wipe out the Jews ot a least render them irrelevant. These are the religious fundamentalist groups. They live in a magical universe where the Qu'ran is a history of events rather than literature for spreading Islam, Its not the same thing. The light to this darkness of self righteousness is logic. If Israel was created in the first place didnt Allah create them? Theu often answer that Allah is only setting the Jews up for punishment. They "know" this in their hearts to be true, I counter how do you know this, Did Allah email you? How are you privy to the thoughts of Allah? Its a metaphyical impossibility to know the mind of Allah. Its like an ant understanding quantum physics.  Its quite interesting that we live with the fruits of reason, logic, and invention; some us still consciously live in a medieval world where starts arent suns but holes in the firmament. At this point the other debater either vanishes or throws a tantrums and rages about my personal life and/or character. Then they leave.

Universal hatred refuted

One never ending point of Jew haters is that Jews or Israel is universally disliked, Like many other anti-semitic beliefs it defies logic. Its mere absurdity astounds level headed people. How do you hate a group of 16 million people? Based on knowing 4%, 10%, 25%, 48%, 65%, 87% of the 16 million??? Or based on what others write. Did they conduct a survey? No they are just myths to give bigots the gratification of hatred. The Myth of universal or earth-wide hatred is based on a more primitive time when Jews were not welcome in Christian lands and oppressed in Muslim ones. This era immediately preceding out own was rife with prejudice, bias hatred and racis, It was even considered de rigeur in the USA. Not only the South but everywhere. From the Dark Ages these beliefs dwindled away under the application of reason in the Ages of Reason and Enlightenment in the 1700's and 1800's, The horror of the Holocaust squashed out negative ways of regarding our fellow human beings so much that the originator of Jew Hatred the Roman Church tool logic in hand and reversed their dogma on the Jews.
So when Jew haters insist in their blindered way this till exists U point out that the Israeli Olympics or Maccabiah Games was attended to by over 50 nations not giving in to the pressure to boycott by Arab police states, oil sheikdoms, the Iran theocratic police state, and their client toadies.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why do White Supremacists hate Abraham Lincoln?

You perceive the inner evil of Jew haters when you mention the Great emancipator Abraham Lincoln. White supremacists and their related groups evolved out of Klu Klux Klan. So even today they folow a policy of hatred and violence against African Americans.Klan groups, Aryan groups, neo-Nazis and skinheads have little to distinguish one from another. While the antebellum South was hospital to Jews are long as they were wealthy the presence of Northern Jews during the Reconstruction revived medeival anti-semitism. Theis brought about the lynching of Jacob Frank an innocent Jewish mill operator in Georgia in the 1920s. He was falsely accused of rape.

This anti-semitism flourishes among this groups. Like Nazi sympathizers of the 1930s and the neo-nazi organizations of the 1960s and today Abramam Lincoln is considered not only a villian in the deep south but all among these hate groops. Its a nice little pckage. He freed the slaves. So they must hate him. He was friend th of the Jews so they must hate him.The USA's greatest President as reflected in polls ove 100 years is hated by this hate fringe. Its very telling in their unAmerican-ness that they oppose such a popular figure.

Hamas and what happens when the Israelis fire back?



The Jews and the Arabs, the Israelis and the Palestinians are often portrayed as two eternally opposite forces locked in battle on a more or less equal arena in one scenario. The other is the overwhelming Israelis as a bulldozer crushing the helpless Palestinians. Both are inaccurate, the latter is a false popular cliché
The main difference between the opposing parties is how their ethical backgrounds have affected their strategy,
This difference negates both above pictures; despite escalation of the difference.
Jewish ethics originated thousands of years ago in at least the period of the early Hebrew kingdoms. To anyone who reads the Bible/OT its obvious they were no-nonsense strict rules. Its pointed out by Jew haters how many times the Judean, Israelites lapses in their ethics. Even in pre-Hebrew legend Abraham's near sacrifice of Issac can be seen as a potential relapse and symbolic of all subsequent relapses. These ethics entered a new phase with exposure to Greek reason after Alexanders conquest. This new paradigm eventually resulted in the writing down of the many books of the Talmud. The Roman defeat of the Jews occurring during this formulation of the Talmud. The end of nationhood brought ethics into focus as a glue to how a people together. Wile adherence was still strict it was now flexible due to the Talmud. Following these books made Jews into people of the book. In the diaspora strengthened ethics and the lack of power held violence in check. Rash aggressive qualities were held in check for so long in the face of violent persecution that Jews were seem as meek. Terrible massacres were seen as judgments from God. This meekness had to be changed of overcome once Jews in Palestine faced Arab rioters. By 1948 the Jewish warrior had arrived yet that character type still faced the now pervasive ethics setup. It created a new compromise we see not only in Israel but spreading into Diaspora. The meekness that characterized Jews exists more in the eyes of Jew haters than reality.
The Arab ethics makeup on the other hand is far different. The Quran has no commentary to guide it, It's freely open to a wide range of interpretations. Today several fundamentalist interpretations dominate especially Wahhabism. That originated in the early 19th century and was the point of view of tribal people with tribal values predating Islam. This aggressive type of Islam contrasts to the intellectual and mystical variants like Sufism (which also predates Islam).
Arab Islam never faced reform in the face of modernity as Judaism and Christianity had.During the Islamic Empire of the 700's-800's Islam was an intellectual religion which readily absorbed Greek ideas of classical times. In in contrast to the Dak Ages in Europe. But a slow decline ensued partly to dynastic breakups of the Caliphate and conquering by Seljuk and later Ottoman Turks from central Asia.
Turkish rule let the Arab version of Islam relapse to pre-Islamic tribalism. There were flowering of Islamic culture like Abassid Baghdad. But Ottoman isolation did not challenge the religion. So it remained on a cocoon preserved in its medievalness,
And then came the rude awakening starting with the French landing in Algiers in 1830. The British took Egypt in 1878. The French took Tunisia.And later with the Spanish took Morocco. Italians took Libya. In World War 1 the British and French tok the rest of Turkish lands of the Arabs. But already Zionist settlers were
in Palestine, as the British called it, 37 years.
Arab culture reaction was first to to incorporate European values but see Islam crumble before them revived fundamentalism. Without a reform of an enhanced Qur'an Islam had no flexibleness to counterbalance the values of the WEST. And these values have been shown to erode and/or destroy native cultures all over the world. There were efforts to reform Islam but retrogression of tribal fundamentalism trumped all.
In British Palestine violence broke out unlike when it was Turkish Syria. Arabs actually attacked Jews for being who they were. They were importers of Western values who might outnumber the Arab. Arab aggression increased in leaps and bounds is all Arab lands where European influence existed. First Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon achieved semi-independence promised by the colonial powers. After World War 2 the Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and the semi-independence in the East ended with full independence. All started as attempts at democracy but all lapsed into dictatorships. preserving power was more important than spreading it around. What was particular about the Arab outlook was its aggressiveness in destroying the Jews in Palestine. In succeeding years many alliances tried to destroy Israel. In that effort the Arab State created by the UN in 1947 was totally ignored and dismembered with parts handed to Egypt and Jordan.These Arabs didnt even have an identity for at least 16 years when Yasir Arafat created "the Palestinians". Violence prone attitudes of Arabs made for an alliance of Arab Palestinians (later Palestinians) and the surrounding Arab states in the form of fedayeen raids from Jordan and Gaza. They were almost always attacks on civilians as the Israeli military was protected against attacks, This policy continues today as PLO attacks (Black September and many other groups) and later Hamas (and others like Al Aqsa, Islamic Jihad, etc) attacks were always against civilians. Civilians like the Olympic athletes in Much, airline passengers in Entebbe and many similar attacks. Arab violence went up a notch during the First Intifada. As reckless rock throwing children and adults were allowed to attack IDF troops. So when the Oslo agreement was reached the Arab effort to drive the "Jews into the Sea" fell unto Hamas. They upped the ante by introducing suicide bombing. People usually uninformed indoctrinated youth were made into living bombs and sent into Israel. During the second intifada other groups joined in this effort thinking they could get the Jews to leave.
Israelis reacted by building wall and ended their 2nd intifada. But the new Arab philosophy of self sacrifice manifested itself in Gaza and the West Bank, It became standard policy for the Palestinian militants (or terrorists) to try to get as many of their fellow Palestinians killed in battles with the IDF as possible. So today they fire from mosques, apartment buildings, schools shelters, crowds, markets, stores in an effort to get the Israelis to fire back on their positions.Ammo caches are kept purposely in civilian areas. Israel must manuever to pinpoint neutralize the opposition. Thats not easy. Colonel Kemp of the British forces in Afghanistan in studying the situation remarked the Gaza operation was the most humane military operation in HISTORY! But in war many civilians still died. Much less than Iraq or the Lebanese Civil War. But the world puts the Israeli arab in a different category quite unfairly.The Arabs feel the perception of themselves as victims rather than the true picture as aggressors is more important to the Palestinian (really Islamic ) cause than the lives of Gazans/Palestinians. This strategy was very similar in the Hezbullah Lebanon war. There Hezbullah had ammo caches in apartment buildings as well. It's obviously a desperate strategy this disregard for human life. This aggressiveness has spread once again around the globe in the Al Qaeda movement where bombings, plots as well as indoctrinated lone mass shooters have rained violence from the Philipines to Denmark and the USA. The Qur'an itself has been interpreted to reveal an afterlife of 72 virgins in a luscious paradise to ever person to sacrifices his or her life for the jihad against the values of the WEST and the Jews.The Prime Minister of Israel remarked in 1969 on the Arab disregard for their own children in the struggle against Israel, This is chillingly prophetic with the suicide bombing strategy 26 years later.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Holocaust Invention In progress

Holocaust Invention In progress

Next to the myth of a Palestinian Holocaust in 1948 in El Nabka; the most prevalent myth is the Palestinian Holocaust being created right now. This element of propaganda is so popular that it actually drives a real actual genocide in Darfur off the front pages.Its easy to measure. Just put genocide into Google and you will Darfur being relegated to obscurity while the Palestinian Holocaust or genocide had more entries. I find that amazing. The power of a fraudulent ethnic cleansing actually eclipses a real ethnic cleansing.

You have four parties attracted to the invented genocide as with much propaganda favorable to the Palestinians. The first are liberals and leftists who consider the oppression of the Palestinians unconscionable and that exaggerating the casualties and distorting the facts permissable as long as it stops Israels efforts. The second are those unfamiliar with the conflict and its history. They are just horrified by any war and since its easy to condemn Israel in a reactionary knee jerk fashion they go along with the crowd. They cannot believe that transplanted civilized Europeans would go down to the level of savage Arabs. This group includes phony liberals and what I call boo hoos. The third group are right wing white supremacist types. They include Neo Nazis, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity, Christian Fundamentalists (Not to be confused with Christian Zionists)and the like. The fifth group are the broad range of Islamists who will lie, produce hoaxes, disinformation, and of course exaggerations. This includes the Palestinian Media which actually manufactures tales of abuse that is commonly known as Pallywood. The famous Muhammad Al-Dura affair,the Gaza Beach munitions explosion, numerous fake accounts of Israeli cruelty and killings and exaggerations that transform gun battles into massacres like the Jenin operation. This is of course identical to the invented 1948 incidents. Why not; those were created not that long ago as well. The Arab Press like al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera dutifully reports and repeats the Palestinian tales of woe. And then there is the Iranian media which also invents news stories like the CIA predicts the fall of Israel in 20 years. That too gets repeated in the Arab medias as well although most informed Arabs are actually skeptical of the Mullah mafia propaganda mouthpiece. In addition you have various Western medias with some Anti-Israel stance.

The Palestinian strategy is derived from exposure to the Jews and THE POST HOLOCAUST sympathy from the world.The Jews were seen as victims so that image MUST be broken. Either by Holocaust denial, false portrayal as Nazis reincarnated or by the new image of Palestinian victimhood and genocide. Having two pillars of fraud, 1948 and the present, its plumbed for boo hoo treasure. After the PLO terror wars of the 1970's and 1980's the image had to change. The first intifada worked as it was not a PLO sanctioned operation at first. So when with Oslo and Hamas taking over the terror campaign there was the beginnings of the victimhood strategy. Only the US press pointed out this great hypocrisy in detail and frequency. This accelerated in the organized terror-emphasized Second Intifada as well as the Hezbollah and Hamas wars. You have internet agents filling up google with hoaxes such as the Palestinian Holocaust as well as forums, groups and other message boards.I usually reply "the Palestinian Holocaust is the Only Holocaust where the victims tripled in population, I wish the Jewish people had THAT kind of Holocaust." This lie is usually followed by false descriptions of Gaza as a concentration camp. My reply again is " Gaza is a huge piece of territory where people have self-rule. There are fields, farms, towns and beaches."I wish the Jewish people who suffered in Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, Birkenau had THOSE kinds such concentration camps as Palestinian Gaza."

However as I said its the disenfranchised internet trolls who spent hours on the web cursing out Jews and Israelis in forums and groups. When confronted this leftist, liberal and right wing diminutives vanish as the either cannot confront the facts or know the facts and seek to preserve the lies.
The British media is driven by a large Muslim population to cater to. Leftist and liberal papers with their "Jews shouldn't resort to violence" mentality exist in Europe. But the right wing press especially in nationalist Russia also has no punctions repeating Palestinian and Arab propaganda masquerading as news. This gives the impression that Israel is in the wrong and has no friends. Despite this onslaught, that is not true.In the USA the trend is bucked. Right wing, liberal. mainstream AND left wing press favors Israel although its mainly concerned with internal affairs. In the USA reports of a Palestinian Holocaust whether now or in 1948 rightfully do not see the light of day.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Your Home on Earth is not Determined by race, genetics, skin color, bloodline or religious text





Wednesday, November 18, 2009


When it comes to all types of Jew haters, big rallying call is to REMEMBER THE USS Liberty.

The USS Liberty was a monitoring vessel anchored off the Sinai coast during the Six Day War in which Israel
attacked Syrian, Jordanian, and Egyptian troops massing for an attack on the Jewish state. This preemption
shocked Arab forces bent on a second try at genocide of the Jews in Palestine.
The American ship in the course of the war was accidently attacked by Israel warplanes. 34 American sailors died and 174 were wounded. Anti-semites have accused Israel of doing this on purpose thousands of times. Yet they have never given a decent reason why Israel might do this.
Of course the main reason theory give is that Jews hate everybody.
A very poor and incredible story. Many sailors have called for more investigations but the American military has said the first investigation was thorough enough.
It key fact dismissing wild stories of purposeful Israeli involvement is what I use here.



Monday, November 16, 2009

Who Killed Christ?

Who Killed Christ?

That question still is wet on the lips of hatemongers. They salivate with the anticipation of their roar. The glint of pleasure is in their eyes. It’s a glint of a self convinced self evident truth. They think there’s still one historical fact they can unabashedly guilt freely blame on their phantoms – The Jews.

Few of us are exposed to religious criticism by Biblical scholarship and especially archaeological disputation. The media stays away from these sacrosanct subjects. They fear the fury of the religious. But much of the Bible stands on a fast eroding beachscape. Some of the OT or the Torah has been demystified due to historical evaluations. But the power of the Old Testament is still pretty much retained. Its strength is in the literature. Facts are not important there but the value is. Its quality over quantity.

But the New Testament is another matter. Its is accepted as fact that much of the Gospels have been forged, edited and rewritten. The Gospels written by Hellenic converts to Saul of Tarsus/St. Paul’s version of magical paganized Judaism. The original Evangelists had varying degrees of hostility to their former comrade religion. They needed to support Christianity and distance themselves from Judaism. Blaming the Jews or blaming the victim started here. transforming Judas from the Beloved disciple to the great traitor symbolic of all Jews. There is much accepted evidence that Jesus never fought verbal battles with the Pharisees. In fact once studied you see that Pharisees are applauded in the Gospels and the word Pharisee is substituted for Sadducee. The Sadducees were a small sect of strict scripturists that were quisling for the Roman occupation force.

St Paul heard everything second-hand. Christianity is Judaism by a few degrees of separation. It began as hearsay or rumour of what St. Paul thought Judaism was. Through Hellenistic pagan eyes St. Paul, a Greek fan or fanatic summed up Judaism. He made Jesus Christ out of Yeshua Ben Joseph, The fossilization is so complete we can detect practically nothing of the flesh and blood of the historical Jesus. We only see, whats left, a frozen stone image of Jesus on a crucifix. Exposed to mystery religions and the Gods who were sacrificed for world continuance he could only relate to those ideas.

He was never a Pharisee. He was minimally exposed to the secretive and promising Sadducees who he worked for. Until of course the vision of Christ in his mind.

Yeshua who likely survived the crucifixion was a candidate for Messiah. He was possibly a descendent of David. But he was a learned man, therefore a rabbi and Pharisee. Even today the Roman Catholic Church begrudgingly accepts he was NEVER a Christian. The sand beneath the foundations of these orthodox beliefs are draining away. Time shall reveal all even after 2000 years. Yeshua was on the cross only a few hours. All crucified men were removed on the Sabbath. That was easily survivable. Yeshua seeing his crucifixion did not incite a Judaic Revolution had to leave. But he promised his disciples he would return. Tales of Jesus returning as ghost, avatar or God were added in later Gospels. It was a great tale meant to entrance half Judaized followers. There is even speculation Jesus/Yeshua did return at the beginning of the Jewish War in 66 CE. Where was he? France? maybe. But many accounts in Persia, India and Tibet put him there as Saint Issa. As he travelled, Paul invented his Jesus as Zeus religion to the aggravation of Judeans and irritation of ther Church of Jerusalem.

But the colouring of Jews did not end with the Evangelists. Eventually Christianity became the religion of Rome. It has to be accepted by Rome. and sacrifices were made. Women were demoted and Jews were demonized. Even more distance had to be placed between the Jews and the new faith. With the power interlocked with Rome could the Romans be blamed for the GREAT GODS death?? And so the rewriting continued. The Jews had to be blamed and re-editing would accomplish this. It had already begun with the Evangelists of the Gospels.

The Jews had to be made the scapegoats. Im sure that whoever reworked the NT never in their wildest dreams imagined this would end in massacres throughout the Middle Ages and continuing into a near extermination of the Jews! Biblical scholarship has seen to some scholars dismay, the evidence of this great forgeries. And these evaluations are slowly leaching into popular culture. The Ages of Reason and Enlightenment have made superstition and abracadabra and presto chango into entertainment.

Still many still cling to magical irrational beliefs.

There is nothing more magically irrational than to blame groups of people for what their ancestors allegedly did. This type of thinking that flees away from reason and deduction is welcome on the internet today. Conspiracy theory is usually devoid of rationality and is similar to what religion is losing – the faith.

So even today there are fundamentalist Christians who still actually blame the death of the candidate for Messiah on the Jews themselves. So it must be pointed out that Jesus died on a cross. And the Judean form of execution was NOT that but stoning. And the evidence is there to be seen as Jesus/Yeshua himself saves a young woman from stoning. Its right there in the adulterated Gospels.It couldn’t be changed that Jesus died on a Roman cross. The cross by 330 CE was too important.

Despite the obviousness, the blame was irrationally affixed in the New Testament. The crowds HAD to be turned against Jesus even though they cheered him in his entry into the city on the back of a donkey.

With all these deductions there are still those who love to chew on the nugget of hate and bigotry will still not spit the vile element out. They are too addicted to its demonic pleasure of hatred.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Dancing Israelis


One of the great boogeymen of Jew haters is the Israeli secret service, the Mossad. To give credit to all of white power nuts, klanboys, holocaust deniers, white supremacists, bible belt thumpers and other Aryan type detris as well as Islamists; you would think that Mossad has am iron grip on the world. They dont consider than tiny Israel has tiny resources and in not involved in world subjugation. The Mossad are just very efficient and effective. They HAVE to be.

One of the biggest manufactured exaggerations are the famous dancing Israelis. Now these Israelis were across the harbor from when the planes hit. They were in a van with surveillance equipment. But they werent guiding the planes. 19 Arabs were in those planes. Remember how Arabs in general consider Israel's existence an insult to their honor? No they dont work together on massive attacks.

A woman named Maria lived in an apartment building west of Liberty State Park. She reported men with cameras jumping in an excited fashion. She elaborated they were dancing, holding up lighters and dressed like Arabs. Not too smart for Mossad guys right? Well many people had camcorders that day. Most onlookers jumped around in an excited fashion.They thought they were watching the deaths of 50 thousand people.The police took them into custody. There were reports of explosives found. All that was found were possible traces of explosives. Most reports were erroneous in the hours after the Twin Towers fell; people were edgy and many mistakes were made.

But they were 5 Israelis. They said that since they were there they documented the event. In Hebrew the bad translation resulted in "we were there to document the event" as if they were there as recorders the hijackers conspiracy. They inferred that now "Americans know what its like". Since it was Arab shaheeds attacking America in a more dramatic but similar version of what suicide bombers were doing in Israel, indeed now Americans knew how it felt to be like Israelis.

And so after 911 there was a profusion of documents saying that it was Zionists who were behind the 19 Arabs. Remember how radical Islamists like Mohammed Atta feel about Zionists?

One argument parroted was that Israel benefited from 911. I have yet to hear about these benefits??? What were they? Were they oil pipelines to Haifa from Iraq? No pipelines? That Saddam was eliminated? Saddam's funds to suicide bombers families was negligible. Israel had suicide bombers and gunmen attacking Israelis in the streets; funded by vast amounts of money none traced to Saddam. After Iraq was taken, these attacks still continued another 3 years.

In the end there were no sane reasons for Israel mastermind 911.

Jew haters of all types didnt followup this story for years afterward. I was amazed how no news was invented about this. Perhaps because 911 was well documented they shied away from inventing stories. They tried to connect stories like the attack on the Mexican Congress, roaming bands of Israeli Art Students penetrating high security installations with their portfolios (ha!!!) and the Jewishness of Larry Silverstein. And for the next 8 years they repeated these stories obediently and incessantly in forums, groups and blogs

But there was no new hoaxes invented until recently.

Core of has fed other sites the News that German and Austrian students living in the World Trade Center were Mossad. They were working on projects for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Arts Program. Why some were Asian is not explained. How theses artists worked with the hijacked planes is not explained. Nothing is explained fully. Whats inferred is a new aspect of 911 to blame on the Jews. The idea that explosives were placed on all along the floors of the WTC to created the demolition pancake effect is one idea gaining some press later. To so confuse, update the hatred and make honest inquiries into 911 look fringe the Jews needed to be blamed. So artists working in the WTC had to be associated with this. I do hope they sue core of corruption. There is just suspicion placed and the rest is left up to Jews haters to fill in the spaces. It's just the latest hoax trying to blame 911 on Zionists (code for Jews) since making Jews into scapegoats makes Jew haters well Jew haters.

Now much about 911 needs to be reopened but fringe elements like bigots blaming Zionists or saying the Jews never showed up for work that day make all questioners of the 911 tragedy look like nut cases.

The Flags of those committed to the destruction of Israel




The Flags of those committed to the destruction of Israel

The question is often asked; why can't Israel seek peace? The responsibility of seeking peace at one time rested with the Arab nations surrounding Israel. Why can't they accept Israel into the pantheon of accepted states?? Why did they go to such extremes as sending in 5 Arab Armies to wipe out any attempt to create the tiniest sliver of non-Muslim state in 1948? Or why did Egypt, Jordan and Syria attempt this again in 1967??


Each effort was rewarded with a larger non-Muslim entity of Israel. Often the denial, outrage, and anger is expressed as the expression "Zionist entity"; because they cannot face reality and actually say Israel. When Sadat when to Jerusalem in 1977 I remember how unusual it was for him or any Arab to say "Israel"!

after it had leaked out that Israel had "the Bomb" The strategy of Muslim states destroying Israel in a standard war had to be reevaluated and when it was abandoned. The "Islamic cabal" who could not accept Israel changed tactics somewhat.

In the British Mandate of Palestine there were the Jews and the Arabs. When the UN set up the bi-national state it was to be composed of Jewish and Arab states. Never was there a mention of a nationality called Palestinian. Both Jews and Arab were called Palestinians. After the 1948 war There was Israel, but no Arab State; not even in Arab Palestine. Egypt took Gaza and Transjordan to the West Bank. Since that state was not both sides of the river it was renamed Jordan. After losing the West Bank, for some reason they remain Jordan. They ceded all rights to the Palestinians.

A deliberate policy of blaming the Palestinians (the victims) for their stateless plight and ostracizing them ensued. Even today Palestinians are refused citizenship in countries like Iraq, Lebanon, etc.

This policy was meant to embitter the Palestinians. It was meant to create a hostile population directly on the border with Israel. It was meant to create a gang like oppressed mentality that would be ever restless, self-destructive much like urban gangs in the USA, Russia, Central,and South America. But these gangs parked on Israel's borders were also re-educated much like Mao's China. It was a mix of re-interpreted Islamic fundamentalism or revolutionary socialism as seen through the right-wing supremacist thinking of Arabs; with revived anti-semitic beliefs imported from Europe. Those beliefs were of Nazi origin with still more ancient medieval origins. While educated refugees could see the ruse, the uneducated fodder fell for it BIG TIME! Most Muslims and not Christians were engineered to look to Israel as the scapegoat despite the obvious facts of other Arab states being responsible. This brainwashing of Islamic "Manchurian candidates" continues today in Palestine.

They were slowly transformed into Proxy Fighters for outside Muslim Arab interests or the "Islamic cabal".

But they werent used immediately in a large-scale way. It takes time to create what Hamas is today.

For the first 19 years they were raiders or fedayeen who struck at Israel civilians with massacres and attacks in border areas trying to terrorize Israelis into leaving those areas and eventually Israel. A tactic Hamas STILL USES!! Yasir Arafat was one such fighter for the group he set up called Fatah. Ariel Sharon became famous for retaliation raid set up to discourage these attacks. Like now Gaza in the 1950's was a hotbed of guerrilla attacks. Except then the Egyptians winked at fedayeen attacks and they "administered" Gaza. This calmed down after the Israelis invaded Gaza in 1956 in the Suez War.

Border attacks still continued especially from Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

The overwhelming victory of the Six Day war followed by the Yom Kippur was stopped much of this. But fedayeen had already transformed themselves for a new campaign of terror. In 1964 Arafat decided the re-christen the Arabs who were formerly called the Arab Palestinians into a new nationality. Ta-da The Palestinians. And today the media, the Arabs, Europeans, and the naive all behave as if Palestine was an ancient nation in the Middle East. It was brilliant move. Not only the invention but the sustained disinformation of Palestinian nationality. By 1974 when Arafat spoke at the UN Palestine as a country waiting for a spot in the globe. Preferably the spot occupied by Israel of course. After the Six Day War Arafat created the Palestine Liberation Organization. It was an umbrella for all organizations that sought to remove Israel from the map.

Their first strike was to create Palestine out of what actually was Palestine before the British gave it to the dynastic rulers of Mecca-Jordan. That was Black September. That failed. The next move in the area was for the PLO to set up a state in Lebanon. That set up a 15 year Lebanese Civil War that transformed the Amal militia into todays Hezbullah and pitted Muslims against Christians there.

But the signal for a new tactic was when PLO terrorists hijacked three airplanes; landed them in Jordan and blew them up before pliant Western media. What followed was an international war to terrorize Europe and Israel. It included an attack on the Olympic village in Munich by a group named Black September resulting in a massacre of athletes. As well as supporting terror by Leftist terrorists in the Entebbe hijacking and the Japanese Red Army massacre of Puerto Rican pilgrims in Lod airport. There were bombings and attacks at airports for the next 15 years. The Israeli airline EL AL became famous for its successful no-nonsense security. Of course the Israelis couldnt attack PLO easily, so they took their frustration on the Palestinians resulting in the 1st intifada. Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon send Israelis into civil war ravaged Lebanon twice in 1978 and 1982. Does that sound familiar? In 1982 the effort tuned in a major war to destroy the PLO state. And the PLO fled to Tunis discredited.

The setbacks by the Arab Muslims to destroy Israel brough in a new player in 1979. Iran an ally of Israel with no history of antagonism was overthrown by fundamentalist mullahs. They immediately took a prominent role of threatening Israel (They could only say Zionist entity and STILL DO). They set up a Shiite proxy from the Amal called the Hezbullah. So very much like the Sunni PLO the Shia Hezbullah set up a proxy state for Iran in southern Lebanon. When the Israelis left in the early 80's they created a Christian buffer state in Southern Lebanon to protect Northern Israel.

For some reason Prime Minister Barak withdrew support in 2000 creating a 2nd intifada for Palestinians hoping Israel was collapsing and a new brave and closer Hezbullah state. By 2006 the new state attacked Israel and resisted invasion. Only international action pushed the hostile proto-state back from the Israeli border.

Lets go back to the Palestinians. Weary from attacks Israel decided to give in to international calls to negotiate with the increasingly limp PLO. That end in Oslo. Since the PLO was no longer active in destroying

Israel the "forces to destroy the Jewish infidels" went with a social welfare organization transforming them into a fundamentalist terror organization called Hamas.

Hamas had something new, They sent bomb laden individuals to blow themselves up in Israel cities. Suicide bombings took place in reception halls, pizza shops, buses, restaurants, more buses, etc. 1995 Hamas declared war. Arafat and his new Palestinian Authority negotiations on creating a state suffered. Since Arafat frequently spoke for the destruction of Israel, Israelis became wary. They became entrenched. And that increased more discord, that was ignited by Baraks move in Lebanon. Officially it Was Ariel Sharons visit of the mosques on the Temple Mount, but that was really a smokescreen. The 2nd intifada was a new method to destroy the Israeli state by the "islamic" cabal". It was an underhanded attack on civilians brought into Israel. And the Israeli bomb certainly couldnt be used on a Palestinian state. The Arab world stopped, watched and waited.Ariel Sharon took the helm and eventually ended the 2nd intifada by actually building a wall between Israel and Palestine, It's obvious that any trust the Palestinians built up after the end of 1970-85 Terror war evaporated again. Today Fatah state in the West Bank is at a low ebb in their c terror campaign. The economy there is improving. But Fatah still expresses it core beliefs in a destruction of Israel in speeches and issued documents. They want to destroy Israel; they just can't do it now.

Hamas on the other hand is a very active proxy state for Muslims Arabs and Iran as well. Ariel Sharon in an effort to centralize Israel population the area withdrew Jewish settlers in 2006. Would Israeli-less Gaza calm down? No Hamas bereft of suicide bombers jacked up their rocket firing capabilities ans started bombing southern Israel more. The Hamas creed is like the PLO-Fatah one; no infidel state for the Jews. The Islamic cabal is very happy now. Theres a hostile Hezbullah proto state in the north and a smaller Hamas fanatic state shoved right up against Israel. And its ta return to the fedayeen tactics of the 1950s except its now with vastly improved weaponry. The Hamas Shaheed Culture doesnt fear death for its fighters nor its own population. For them the resultant Gaza War was worth it if it weakens Israel and THEN destroys it. Martyrs are welcome.

There you have it. Israel is in a fight for its life with terrorist proxy fighters. All this while the Israel economy flourishes. In the worlds eyes the onus for peace cannot fall on Fatah, Hamas or Hezbullah. They arent countries. But Israel is, so a new inequality is created.And this conundrum has created new distortions for retrogressive Islamic forces to spread. Israel could be in dire straits any minute; not by hostile states but small proto-states created by terrorist militias and funded by a cabal that cannot accept Jews as an independent self empowered people.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eager Hitler

Eager Hitler

What I found fascinating was early pictures of Adolf Hitler found in historical archives in the decades after his regime was destroyed.

I combined two here into a statement of Hitler's optimism before World War One.

In the one in the upper right hand corner Hitler is overjoyed at the prospect of war. That was not an unusual sentiment in Europe. The continent had not seen a devastating continental conflict since the Napoleonic Wars. There were regional wars among Prussia, Italy and Austria-Hungary since Napoleon. They had resulted in the unification of Italy from scattered medieval states and occupation of northeast Italy by Austria; the replacement of Austria as preeminent power in Germany by Prussia and the resultant unification of the medieval German states by militaristic Prussia into a German Empire. That Empire had the goaded Napoleons III's French Empire into a war and crushing defeat.

These short little wars created the most animosity between Germany and France. France was bent on vengeance and recovering lost territory. But Austria had no grudges in two lost wars with Germany. Hitler was Austrian and he relocated to Bavaria in the German Empire.

(The defeat of the Ottoman Turkish Empire just before WW1 by the Balkan states also set up the grudge match there)

There was this dysfunctional joy for this war. All assumed it would be short as bloody wars were so messy.

There were mass celebrations when Germany lined with Austria-Hungary and France took the British Empire in. Italy aligned with Germany switched sides.

In the upper right Hitler like everyone was ecstatic. Did he know what war was? We're all sure that trench warfare was not foreseen by him. Probably some medieval-like interpretation of hazy memories of the Franco Prussian War. Maybe he saw it as a chess game and was excited by a vision of a continent -wide ritualistic game. He certainly was bored having failed as an artist. I find boredom a great impetus for many historical wars.

So was Hitler cognizant of the possibility that Germany might lose or suffer? You cant see that in his eyes. Like the prevailing opinion among the optimistic masses he had tunnelvision. Perhaps few Europeans were thinking clearly.

The other photo where Hitler is on the extreme left shows him with fellow soldiers after enlistment They seem somber here maybe even jaded and cynical.They seem determined but resigned.Even here the possibility of disaster for Germany (and Europe) is not perceived.

So Hitler and many others were in denial of the obvious consequences of a continental war.

The expectation was so far from the reality that a German defeat shocked militaristic Germany to its core.

This shock could not be accepted so denial set in again. And the blame was placed on Jews and Communists because it was easy for simple minds to understand.

And so Hitler emerged from WW1 as a more damaged, jade, cynical, vengeful, hurt man. And the stars set up a clear road with few obstacles to glory, world conquest, genocide and WW 2.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Who Created the Jewish State? Why it was the Arabs of Course!.

Who Created the Jewish State? Why it was the Arabs of Course. Invented myths are abundant on the internet and reused by Israel haters, Jew haters, Arabs, Palestinians,and pro-Palestinians about some Jewish invasion that displaced peaceful prosperous Palestinians.

Purportedly this was done massacre, expulsion, and threats of such resulting in the vague term ethnic cleansing brought into popular verbage by the Bosnian genocide in the nineties. Huge lists of Arab towns that are now Jewish towns are offered as evidence.

These are purposeful creations by the Palestinians in an effort to achieve victimhood. A victimhood that give them worldwide sympathy just like the Holocaust gave their enemies, the Jews, sympathy. Today they have added a modern fictional genocide as well in this pursuit. Its such a well done media creation it eclipses real genocides in Chechya, Darfur, and Myanmar.

If you examine the long lists of towns the fiction becomes apparent such as the extinct town of Al Quds. Thats really Jerusalem which had been Jewish for decades before the mythical invasion.

What really happened?

By 1948 there was a 3 sided war in Palestine. There was the occupation force of the British. There was the Arab militias led by Grand Mufti al-Husseini. And there was the various JEwish militias, the Palmach, Hagganah. Irgun, etc. The Grand Mufti had been fighting by them 28 years to expell, subdue or destroy the Jews who simply began buying scrap land and settling down in 1878. Arab Muslims in Palestine had begun to realize much like modern Arabs in Morth Africa and Asia, European Muslims and other Asian Muslims that Islam is a fragile religion and culture that would crumble before the temptation of Western Culture. This fragility had to be counteracted by segregation and fundamentalism. It continues today.

The Grand Mufti had been unsuccessful in his massacres, riots and attacks, He had alienated the upper class Arabs and moderates by attacking them as well. When Jews begain to arrive in great numbers due to the persecution in Europe, he stepped up the war. The British capitualted and immigration virtually ceased.

The previous November the United Nations in an effort to stabilize the area tried to segregate the Jews from the Arabs by creating Arab and Jewish states in Resolution. The Arab Palestinians rejected the proposal but it still passed. The Grand Mufti thought that once the British left the Jews were vulnerable with all there kibbutz and urban militias. He appealed to the Arab League to destroy the Jewish state once it was declared. The Arab League organized 5 Arab Armies from Iraq (which is not near Israel), Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. These armies invaded Palestine. Their mission was to "drive the Jews into the sea" which was lingo for genocide. A second genocide to the very same people in 10 years. They warned the Arab Palestinian that lest they become collateral damage by being in the crossfire; they should leave temporarily. Many did. They left for the hills of Judea and Samaria now called the West Bank. They were bolstered by reports on Arab radio that Deir Yassin was the beginning of terrible massacres. Deir Yassin was exaggerated from its postion of history as a battle into a massacre by mainstream Jewish forces opposed to the radical groups Irgun and Lehi as well as Arab Radio. It was an effort to discredit radical forces and centralize Jewish forces. There were some expulsios like in Lydda now called Lod due to murders of Jews. But the evacuation was mostly and Arab operation. Today the Fatah and PA leader Abbas admits his family fled Galilee with his fearing retribution for local massacres in 1929 incited by the Grand Mufti. There were Arabs who remained. They are known as Israeli Arabs and live in Israel unlike the Palestinians who do not.

The strange thing was that the 5 Arab Armies were hated and defeated by the Jewish militas.By 1949 the Arabs sued for an armastice which the UN mediated. The front became the border of what it now Israel. Huge empty expanses where Arabs lived were apparent. The Arab refugees, who were not called Palestinians until the 1960's, remained in the hills. Most dared not attempt s to return. They knew that they were complicit in an attempted genocide.

The Arabs in an effort to destroy the Jews actually created Israel. They set up country with emptied of a hostile populace. The rejected bi-national proposals of statehood and would only accept Jews as subservient to a Muslim state or no Jews in Palestine at all. Their intractability created the Jewish state. It set up a blue dot in an Arab Muslim sea of green, black, red and white.

There were Arab Jews or Mizrachi Jews in Arab countries from Morocco to Iraq. Most were expelled as punishment for being of the same religion as the Jews who defeated the Aran League. But the joy of a Jewish state brought many who werent expelled. They filled the gap left by the Arab Palestinians who were so confident of the destruction of Palestinian Jews. For them it was an unanticipated horror of their own making.

Did the Arab Palestinians set up their own state once there was a truce?? No the the areas conquered by the 5 Arab Armies were annexed by Egypt (Gaza) and Jordan (the West Bank)

Today their descendents live in Palestine and around the world. Politically they have created a war of terror once they felt the Arab states was not serious in helping them.

The first phase was by the Palestine Liberation Front (1970-1993) and the second by Hamas and assorted allies (1995-the present).

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Nazis were not Christians

Jew haters with an apologetic slant towards one of the greatest mass  murderers of all time always try to make Adolph Hitler into a church attending
devout Roman Catholic Austrian.Its fairly easy to see in the end result that the Fuherer was no Christian anymore than his colleague in the "How Many Human Beings Can we Liquidate" CONTEST, Josef Stalin.
But Hitler unlike Stalin had to win over his fellow countrymen and church with
PR campaigns that showed him in a positive religiously observant light.
Nazi Documents uncivered show that the NAZI party was a cult with its own customs and goals quite unlike the Church.
It was a strange religion of bloodlines, the Holy Grail, the lost lands of Atlantis and Thule.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Bogus Pundits of Hate



Bogus Pundits of Hate
We all depend on experts. So it was particularly
devious when the strategy evolved to create Bogus
Pundits for anti-semitic cause. The first one I
encountered was Len Martin. Quite often the Jews
haters in forums touted the book "In Racist Marxist
Israel". Now I knew Israel was far from marxist.
The thriving socialism was giving way to
entrprenurial capitalism. Racism? Jews were of many
races. It fit the real world like the term
aparthied. So something was fishy besides the name
of the author, Jack Bernstein. Googling easily
provided an answer. One Googled source said there
was no Jack Bernstein and that the author was
Leonard Martin. And he was a white supremacist.
Aha! I thought. Sure enough more googling showed
the subtext  "By Jack Bernstein as told to Leonard
Martin" Hilarious as I forum posts advocating Jack
Bernstein's views. Martin had never been to Israel.
His popularity depended on the ignorance of
readers. And there we have the strategy of Bogus
Pundits of hate they can only go as far as hate of
themselves, the sympathetic hateful world of fans
who needed a hate fix, the naivete readers and the
silence of discriminating internet perusers. Many
bogus pundits are from the past. Notorious Jew
haters like Arnold Spencer Leese, Douglass Reed,
Alfred Lillenthial, and Benjamin Freedman. What
delights these bigots is a Jew denouncing his own
people. They LOVE Torquemadas. It really gives them
the giggles. You see they love to hate, It makes
them think theyre significant and gives them a
punching nag to relieve your bewildering puzzle
called life they really dont understand. Now some
of these were and are self loathing Jews like Gilad
Atzmion And maybe Lillienthial. We dont know much
about Benjamin Freedman. He was a Nazi sympathizer
in the 1930s. He was a anti-semitic Catholic who
claimed he coverted. Maybe that why he was a
Freedman rather than the Jewish "Friedman". Henry
Makow claims he Jewish but in writing to him  al he
knows his crackpot theories about the Illuminati he
invents. Alfred Lillenthial may be gone but for a
long time while incapacitated in the hospital many
works came out with his name. An Israeli
Anti-Zionist Israel Shahak died in 2002 but for
many years tracts came out in his name that were
obviously not written by him, Jews wouldnt write
tracts supported Blood Libel or the Protocols of
Zion. You see he was Anti-Zionist not Anti-Jewish,
But White supremacist writers took his name as far
as possible.
Then there’s David Irving whose identical twin brother considers him a wackjob. Irving rotates from Holocaust Revisionist to Holocaust denial more out of  the strategy of confusion that any indecision
The best bogus pundit in my book is Israel Shamir.
He posted in forums as an Israeli for years. Then
one day he wrote he converted to Christianity AND
RE-CHRISTENED himself as Adam Shamir. WTF?? About
the same time it was revealed in London  that
Israel Shamir was a Swedish white supremacist Joran
Jermas. And he sunk out of sight! Today he has
remerged  with his own Yahoo group. He controls
posts as not to let anyone  reveal his deception to
Many of these bogus pundits have a hard time
speaking in Europe or America. David Irving flips
from Holocaust denial to revisionism all the time.
Germar and Zundel are in jail in Germany because
they forgot that when you deny the Jewish part of
the Holocaust you ALSO DENY the Gentile part thats
5 million dead dear departed. That part amuses me.
You have internet pychos like Rev. Ted Pike who is
not a reverend and Texe Mars here in America, They
are old fashioned Christian fundamentalist Jew
Haters. When these guys speak I say Dont Boo
Them!! Dont Block Them. Debate them  which leads to
Humiliation. They deserve that, We deserve to see