Thursday, December 31, 2009

May Allah Destroy the Jews

I find in threads of discussion Arabs or Muslims pleading with Allah to destroy the Jews. This is usually followed by a prophecy that Allah wil surely listen to them and wipe out the Jews ot a least render them irrelevant. These are the religious fundamentalist groups. They live in a magical universe where the Qu'ran is a history of events rather than literature for spreading Islam, Its not the same thing. The light to this darkness of self righteousness is logic. If Israel was created in the first place didnt Allah create them? Theu often answer that Allah is only setting the Jews up for punishment. They "know" this in their hearts to be true, I counter how do you know this, Did Allah email you? How are you privy to the thoughts of Allah? Its a metaphyical impossibility to know the mind of Allah. Its like an ant understanding quantum physics.  Its quite interesting that we live with the fruits of reason, logic, and invention; some us still consciously live in a medieval world where starts arent suns but holes in the firmament. At this point the other debater either vanishes or throws a tantrums and rages about my personal life and/or character. Then they leave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet more disgusting bibble babble from you, Mr Kreplach.
It is no wonder you are unliked, in general, given your postings. This is simply terrible, and you do not show the attitude of most decent Jews. For this, I will not be back to your blogspot.