Monday, December 6, 2010

Jew hating on Youtube and Andrew Magee's Army of Clones

 If you wanted to debates issues of the heart like politics or religion you would go to the many forums you find on the internet for that. However by about two years ago the largest forum in the world was recognized as such.  That was the comment threads on Youtube. I had gone there for many reasons. But I began to notice Jew hatred emerging in the threads. It was  great medium to spread lies, exaggerations, and disinformation to the comments of the videos posted. There was no one to refute lies about  Judaism, the Talmud,  the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
I had been doing this concentrating on forums where I could confront Jew Haters. First there was Michael Santomauro's hatemongering Reportersnotebook message board. There I found out when you argue your points cooly and logically you disperse the bigots. Not all the bigots but most. Usually they go through stages
of  denial, outrage, insults, tantrums before vanishing. That board was closed down for its volation of  hate sppech. I next went to Liberty Forum. That was closed by the administrators, Maybe I posted too many stories of Holocaust survivors where many posters were Holocaust deniers. Next to Pravda Forum. That forum still operates but clealy Jew hatred was tolerated even favored by the administrators.
Bored there I went to Youtube. Its was being ravaged by hatemongers. Like the forums I noticed opposition to the bigots slowly mount. I operated with the same strategy.
One youtube account that was particularly pissed by my arguements was MrJapaneseboy11111.  He was the classic Jew hater. He claimed he was an anti-zionist but you could see his comments were hate speech regarding Jews. Other users informed me he was a impersonator? "Whats that" I thought? Its when a user opens an account with a name close to anothers name in order to discredit them and ruin their credibility. Lo and behold there was a MrJapaneseboy1111 who was a Zionist.
This MrJapaneseboy11111 freaked out after a month and tied to bombard  me with spam. 115 messages in one night. He trolled every comment I posted. He tried to harass me off of the site.  This was an attempt to scare me away. Instead I reported him to youtube with screenshots. In a week he was history, disabled and gone, I thought. A week  later he opens an account as KrepIach2 . It was ingenius I admit as it looked exactly like my account Kreplach2. The I and L were identical in fonts used by Youtube. He continued to troll me now as KrepIach througly confusing users and posters, All appeals to YT were never answered. It seems they took a whole creating software to respond to user on user conflict. 
It was obvious from his language that the same user  has many accounts, all trolling me.  There was flummoxed, tinnywhales, as well as FFPaleSWINE (2 accounts in this name) and flumoxed. These extra accounts are called clones. When I created a clone Kreplach3 he just created KrepIach3.
 After 4 months we came to a truce. He agreed to use flumoxed only. But it lasted just a month. As he returned to troll, harass and spam me I discovered his main account . It was amagee590. It was Andrew Magee of  the Andy Rantz blog. And so the battle went up a notch. I warned everyone debating him if his true identity. You see while Andrew debates he uses error filled "facts" and most times leads people in wild goose chases through the Youtube. Those he dislikes he harasses and insults to this very day. He troll (follows) them hurling invectives. Its apparent he's on his own vitual ethnic cleansing campaign of Jew, Zionists and anyone not a Jew hater.  Knowing his expendaIn disgust and desperation I created a video detailing his illegal actions . Me and Andrew Magee, see above.  Andrew did as amagee590, flumoxed2, and  the Krepiach clones. Youtube couldnt deal with this. 2 more months passed and FINALLY Yotuve introduced its "Safety tool". You could report impersonations and POOF! the krepoachs were gone. For some strange reason Youtube went all politically correct incorrectly deleting my video of him as hate speech. So I created a "Just the facts, ma'm" video called Army of Clones about Andrew Magee. Same reason was given as before. I appealed and somebody actually watched it reversing the decision.
Today Andrew Magee with this dozens of clones hits spam with his multiple accounts in order to hide comments favorable to  Israel and the Jews. If you go to the comment swction of my profiles you will see some of his mant clones invented to exact revenge. They are cocosurprise, pinesuprise, dullroarful, triumphful, Mrgreatdefender, Mywill1000, belltop99, 
rufusguts100, kerplach2, kreplacn2 and others.  Asuredly he has dozens more, but he mainly uses flumoxed2, FFpaleSwine which he recently resurrected; and of course the indispensible amagee590. Following him denouncing him and informing other user got me some violations. but it was worth it. Then Magee created 2 videos of his own. Even he admitted they were boring. Basically he just calls me names and refers to me as a liar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You truly are a dirty lying criminal kreplach. You roam the internet telling LIES about me, and lets not forget your unspeakably vicious evil and absolutely false "pedophile"-based defamation campaign. YOU are NOT a "victim" kreplach, but an evil predator, a LIAR FOR ISRAEL. You should NOT be on the internet, but in jail, where you belong, with all your criminal friends.