“Since their occupation of .Palestine.... in 1948 ” says Elias Akleh. Its so easy to miss! Most Arab/Islamist pundits whine about the occupation that began in 1967. Israelis then point out What was the excuse for Arab hostility BEFORE the occupation. Then you hear the deafening silence! Arab hostility was because of a non-Muslim state that was in power and control of its own destiny; without interference of the Muslim management called dhimmi. ( A situation I’m sure envied by minorities suffering in Arab states like the Copts, Marionites, Druze, other Christians, Assyrians, Jews as well as minorities such as Kurds, Darfurans, Dinka, etc.) Aklen skips that argument by stating that ....Israel....’s existence is an occupation! He doesn’t even WANT co-existence! He WANTS the Jews to go into the SEA!....
To continue..…“Since their occupation of ..Palestine.. in 1948 to establish Israel in the heart of the Arab World “ There you have it a full frank confession, albeit unaware, of the Arab Muslim intention against ....Israel..... Does ....Israel....’s existence violate international law? No it violates Arab Muslim law! It violates the concept of Muslim Umma lands in North Africa and ..West Asia.. reserved for Muslim Arabs only. How dare the infidels establish a non-Muslim state on HOLY MUSLIM GROUND reserved for Muslims by Muslims! Ever since Arab tribes rode out of ....Mecca.... in the 7th century The Muslims have become supremacist in their self righteousness over other peoples, ethnic groups and religions. They feel they are Gods ultimate expression. All before the existence of Mohammed is to be reviled. All non-Islamic as well.....
Elias Akleh can barely write the word ....Israel..... In doing so he recognizes their existence. Jews in a ....Muslim.. ..Sea....! So like many Arabs since 1948 he must amend with the word Zionist. I wonder why he doesn’t use the more popular “Zionist entity” used by Muslims of Arab states and ....Iran..... He plunges into outrageous lies by declaring all seven WARS as intiated by ....Israel..... The 1948 war (War of Independence/El Nabka) resulted when 5 Arab Armies were sent by the Arab League to destroy the ragtag citizen army that included many Holocaust survivors. That very same Arab League had rejected the UN resolution to create a bi-national state. The 1956 war was indeed started by ..Israel.. to cleanup the fedayeen base in ..Gaza.. that sent terrorists into ....Israel..... (Sound familar??). The 1967 war was in response to military buildups along the borders of ..Egypt.., ..Syria.. and ....Jordan..... President Gamal Nasser of ....Egypt.... had predicted the destruction of the Zionist entity in fiery speeches before the war. The Israelis took the West Bank and ..Gaza.. (....Palestine.... later) and the Golan and offered land for peace. No deal said the Arabs. The 1973 war was a surprise Arab attack on the Jewish HOLY day of Yom Kippur. The 1978 and 1982 invasions of ..Lebanon.. were in responses to rockets sent into ..Northern Israel... The Hezbollah 2006 war and the Hamas 2008-9 war were in response to attacks as well. While the first intifada was a grass roots movement not well organized the second intifada was better coordinated and was much more of an attack on Israelis with suicide bombings and gun battles. The Sheb’a Farms is really a poor excuse to rally anti-zionist opinion as it’s a tiny section of Golan that might be in ....Lebanon.... but who really knows for sure. ..Syria.. and ....Lebanon.... never argued about it from 1945 to 1967 anyway.....
So when Aklen states, “Zionist Israelis had initiated seven wars against their Arab neighbors. Six of those were waged after 1967 to maintain their occupation of the rest of ..Palestine.., Lebanese Sheb’a Farms, and Syrian ..Golan Heights..; formally recognized by the international community as an occupation.” He is just spouting the most radical fundamentalist Islamic rhetoric all based on exaggerations and disinformation meant to confuse the not educated reader. Is it “formally recognized by the international community as an occupation’? No the international community is an ambiguous body of many different opinions unduly influenced by petroleum rich nations. He implies it is monolithic. It is not.....
In lieu of any peace action by the surrounding Arab states, the Arab League and the Palestinian people ....Israel.... has on and off maintained a military presence since the 1967 war. Akleh wants to paint this erroneous and poorly thought out idea that 13 mile wide Israel’s raison d’etre is not its inventiveness, its courage, its ingenuity, its democracy, its technology but schoolyard bullying (??)!! ....
He can even not explain why the millions of Arabs with their centuries old infighting and an adherence to a crumbling tribalized religion have no destroyed the state of ....Israel..... He brings up the mythical (now called civic !!) international community again in its supposed disapproval of ....Israels.... existence. Without the international community (included Arab/Muslims states!) ....Israel.... would not exist! Technology and smarts have obviously saved ....Israel.... from the Arab hordes. Getting the atomic bomb before even the Chinese and Indians have made the Muslims stand back. The threat to use this made the 1973 Yom Kippur war (with Israelis approaching the Nile) the last war by formal Arab states and necessitated for a change to low tech war on the part of the Muslim Arab cartel to destroy non-Muslim Israel.....
His solution to this enigma is to describe ....Israel.... as a Spartan military state! For anyone who actually visits ....Israel....; its military preparedness (though not always successful) does belie any military society. In fact its unmilitary-ness is most apparent. Guns are treated casually (maybe too much). You want to see a military or police state? Visit ..Syria.., ..Egypt.., ..Saudi Arabia.., ..Oman.., ..Yemen.., the ..Sudan.., ....Libya.... where gangsters rule. Aklen goes on to mention “every Zionist Israeli citizen, from childhood to old age, being militaristic in one form or another.” Yes all perpetuated by cross border attacks initiated by Arab terrorists from 1948 to 1967. “ Israel possesses all kinds of weapons including weapons of mass destruction (WMD) such as nuclear and chemical weapons” Yes, to hold off destruction of the infidel Jewish state! Yes!....
....Israel.... certainly became the fourth largest army by its own merit. Every citizen had to shell out huge parts of their incomes to prevent annihilation. Akleh cant even give credit where credit is due, He has a string distaste we call hatred, And it is colored with irrationality and emotion bolstered by lies, and distortions! “named 18 EU member states, which authorized 1,018 arms export licenses to Israel worth a little less than 200 million Euros. All these arms exports are in violation of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports under Criterion 2, which states that member states are supposed to “deny an export license if there is a clear risk that the proposed export might be used for internal repression or be used in the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian law”. Israel had committed such violations throughout its entire existence.”Akleh is self legislating here. He has become a A EU politician freely interpreting THEIR laws to fit his agenda! Israeli arms defend humanity and EU nations know it even if they tsk tsk with disapproval of Israeli methods. Of course these tsk tskers have NEVER offered an alternative. ....Israel.... has not committed violations of this sort.....
Aklen goes through a huge list detailing arms supplies to ....Israel.... He especially focuses on American aid. Is the hostility, the Iranian and Arab strategies , the efforts to destroy the tiny country mentioned here.. He wants ....Israel.... to appear secure able to afford stripping away of its military prowess.....
He quotes US laws against use of military weapons, “This law states that American weapons given or sold to any foreign country can be used only for legitimate self-defense or for internal security. They are not to be used in occupational operations.” And “The second is the Foreign Assistance Act (P.L.97-195), which states that any country is not illegible for any form of US aid if it engages in consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights. “And “The third is the Leahy Law (Foreign Ops Appropriations Act). This is an annual part of the Foreign Appropriations Act, and states that no aid will be given to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible evidence that such unit has committed gross violations of human rights.”....
Of course he is the arbiter of the meaning of “gross”. He wants us to believe that the monitoring and surveillance of Palestinian Arabs is a luxury for the IDF. Does he mention the long record of Palestinian Arab attempts to discourage the existence of the Jewish state stretching back almost 40 years? Or the their antecedents the Arab Palestinians that started the Jew-Muslim-Islamic hostility in 1920? At least he did mention the efforts of Arab neighboring states to destroy ....Israel.... in 7 wars. Why else have armament supplies and industry?....
Akleh also repeats his disinformation and distortions he dashes off the statement. “It has been, numerously, documented by Israeli, Palestinian, and international NGOs that Israel had consistently violated international laws and human rights since 1948.” But dares not to detail this. He says. “. Israel had attacked all its neighbors, committed war crimes, and occupied parts of their land.” Again little details but as I have already explained that THIS IS NOT TRUE. Another falsehood is that Israeli evicted huge areas of Palestinians and even wiped them off reminding us WHAT President Ahmadindejad said. Israel has evicted certain people with terrorist connections mostly from the West Bank to ....Gaza..... The Palestinian town were abandoned MOSTLY by the Arabs themselves at the behest of 5 Arab Armies (..Iraq.., ..Syria.., Jordan and ....Lebanon.... ) that attempted to destroy the Jews in a second Holocaust of the 1940’s. The Arabs were instructed to leave the theatre of battle so that they might not suffer the fate the collateral damage. But the citizen army won. And so ..Israel.. had much resultant room for the waves of Jews from Muslim countries expelled for ....Israel....’s victory and the later wave of Russian Jews escaping Soviet persecution. Why didn’t the Arabs return?? They were afraid? You see they were complicit in an attempted genocide. And so in the last twenty years there has been a deliberate attempt in the Arab media to revise history. Suddenly all the battles, fleeings, expulsions or any action at all from 1947-8 have been magically transformed into massacres comparable to Deir Yassin. Even that might have been a deliberate attempt by the Hagganah to paint the right wings groups in a bad light. Otherwise that might not have been a massacre but a battle. This media campaign continues in labeling Qana, Jenin and other confrontations in massacres to gain sympathy in the west. Hamas even uses hospitals, shelters and schools as staging areas for rocket attacls to kill as many Gazans as possible to (again ) get that desired Western sympathy. Watching the Jews after the Holocaust Arabs saw how powerful victimhood can be, Of course they reasoned why cant they get some of the action!!?? So if they cant cause victimhood they’ll invent it to take away from that maniacal terrorist image so prevalent in the world.....
Ankleh recites the usual litany of injustices. When he mentions stealing land he leaves out the fact that the land was lying fallow in many cases. When he mentions Palestinians “shoved” into prison he leaves out the reason 99% are there not for political crimes but actual crimes of terrorism. Planning. Operation. He even calls the freedom fighters as if Hamas ever gave its citizens any democratic rights or that Fatah did the same on the West Bank. Such hypocrisy. He complains that the rest of the Palestinians reside in “open air virtual town-prisons within a separation wall”. He exaggerates the situation as Palestinian towns are not prisons on the ..West Bank.. and that Gazans don’t even have the IDF around. ”. He leaves out that the 2nd intifada made separate roads and the wall necessary. The proof is the cessation of THAT intifada.....
Urban warfare in ....Gaza.... has given Hamas the opportunity for victimhood all Arabs crave. They have latched on to the “ disproportionate force” concept used to make the IDF into the “bad guys”. Israeli military weaponry has never included magic X ray vision missiles that attack Palestinian civilians (mainly defenseless children and women). Akleh underhandedly calls it “the daily entertainment of Israeli government -backed and armed extreme Zionist colonizing terrorists (settlers?)”. Israeli never target civilians because they cannot. High civilian death is from Hamas strategy of human shields and population density. He goes on to state “Israeli soldiers developed the sport of hunting (shooting) Palestinian children on their way to schools or while playing in front of their homes” Which is pretty much an unabashed lie. Of course here he neglects to mention all rock throwing incidents. He says the Israeli uses the Palestinian territories for military testing. But most of the military hardware he mentions are for standard warfare not guerilla warfare.....
There has never been any documented evidence for massacres of any Palestinians by the UN, Amnesty International or other organizations. Its all false propaganda designed for Western sympathy to dry up any support for ....Israel..... In fact many studies have revealed hoaxes created by Palestinian and other Arab groups in cooperation with Palestinian and Arab media. Arab media especially in Hezbollah ..Lebanon.. and ....Palestine.... show an industry of false impressions created FOR the media that has been termed by the West and Israeli pundits as PALLYWOOD or HEZOLLYWOOD.....
In a typical turnspeak tactic used by anti-semites around the web Akleh describes Zionism as a the extreme racist religious ideology of establishing a pure theocratic “Jewish” state for a prejudice- god’s chosen people “narcissist Zionist Jews” in the real-estate- brokering-god’s promised land of Greater Israel “Eretz Israel” extending from Nile to Euphrates. He would never describe ....Saudi Arabia.... in such a way. While Israeli is a overwhelming secular country with powerful regious movements. That is far more accurate but not enough gunpowder for his diatribe. There is a religious Zionist movement backed right wing of the government but its not the ....Israel.... majority at all. Israelis pretty much accept the Torah/Bible as not being a real estate guide. He used the term “holy war” in another turnspeak maneuver when the radical ideologues like Hamas and Hezbollah defined their crusade against the Jews (worldwide) as a HOLY WAR!! He even introduces the silly prospect that all anti-semites relish the GREATER ..ISRAEL.. concept of ..Israel.. stretch from the Nile to the ..Euphrates.. as in King Solomon’s time. First of all King Solomon was said to rule from the “Rover of ..Egypt..” which is a wadi near El Arish and not the ..Nile... Secondly this is no way the Israelis can ever occupy such a great area nor could they convert the 40 million Muslims there already. But Akleh mentions it nevertheless.....
Aklen insists that there were two investigations of Israeli military action in resect to weaponry transfer laws related to Israels killing of Hamas leader, Salah Shehadeh and the cluster bombs used to kill Hezbollah operatives in the 2006 ....Lebanon.... war. But he provides no proof just assertions. Again population density and placement of targets, whether leaders or weapons caches, by the enemy resulted large civilian deaths. He even labels Joe Biden as a “Zionist” for unknown reasons.....
For full rhetoric effect he calls ....Israel.... the terrorist entity as a break from “Zionist entity”. He doesn’t really explain what terrorism really is. Unannounced attacks of civilians are meant to create terror. The uncertainty of when and where the attack is to be defines terrorism. The IDF usually announces their intentions days before any operation. This they did in ....Gaza..... Using liberal terms for maximum effect he says “expansionist colonizing regime. Its successive governments had disregarded all UN resolutions, broken international laws, violated all human rights, committed holocaustal-level genocides, and perpetrated war crimes against all its neighbors and against mother earth and against the environment.” How can ..Israel.. be expanding when Sinai was handed over to ..Egypt.. in 1982 and ....Gaza.... was given on a “silver plate “ to the Gazans in 2006?? UN resolutions against ....Israel.... was always orchestrated by coalitions of Arab/Muslims blocks along with the Communist blocks before 1991. Today oil is used as a lever against ....Israel..... It procures votes from desperate countries in Africa and ..Asia... Never mind the Muslim solidarity that only really exists against the Jewish state. Aleh ignores the human rights violations prevalent in Palestine as well as many Arab states.And fails to ever focus on the fact that Palestine has been at war with Israel through the PLO or Hamas snce 1970. War crimes are mentioned without explanation. And ecological damage blame is thrown in for good measure.....
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He blames a lot of this on mysterious ”western political power elites” that arm and support ....Israel.... as if Israelis economic growth is a prop. A growth that is one of the highest in the world. On a sliver of land 13 miles wide!! He talks about Palestinian self defense when all attacks were on civilians. He decries the naval blockade as well as the surveillance for arms smuggling when ignoring that Hamas has been AT WAR since 1993 first with suicide bombings and THEN with Qassam rockets. He whines about western “crocodile tears and call for humanitarian aid to ....Gaza....’s Palestinians” and belittling Western liberal attempts to help the Hamas oppressed and undersupplied Gazans. No mention is made of the regular checks Hamas receives for fighting ....Israel.... nor of Hamas having fist crack at the food and supplies!....
To the Arabs of the Middle East, ....Israel.... is a cultural and political tool of un-Islam-ness. An effort by the West to colonize the Arab states. This means that deep in their hearts Arab Muslims know their Islamic culture is fragile and decadent and will never survive any proximity to Western culture whether it be European, American or Israeli! On the surface it appears as hatred for the West and a turn or return to Islamic fundamentalism or what they think that is. Do they hate ....Israel....? Yes! But they fear and hate western values, social mores democracy as well. They are xenophobic and not comfortable with change. They hate “us” for forcing them to confront these issues. Their Islamic culture is not compliant with modernity
Elias Aklens article is below:
11 March, 2009....
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Since their occupation of ..Palestine.. in 1948 to establish illegal Israel in the heart of the Arab World until the present, Zionist Israelis had initiated seven wars against their Arab neighbors. Six of those were waged after 1967 to maintain their occupation of the rest of ....Palestine...., Lebanese Sheb’a Farms, and Syrian Golan Heights; formally recognized by the international community as an occupation.....
Israel had maintained its occupation of the land for the last sixty years. The question that poses itself, here, is how a small state like Israel, 7 million Zionist Jews in an area of 8 thousand square miles (excluding the 1967 occupied territories), could maintain such an occupation against hundreds of millions of Arabs and against the disapproval of the civic (not political) international community? Bullying with extreme brutal force is the answer. Israel is a military society with every Zionist Israeli citizen, from childhood to old age, being militaristic in one form or another. Israel possesses all kinds of weapons including weapons of mass destruction (WMD) such as nuclear and chemical weapons.....
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Israel did not become the fourth largest army in the world by its own merit, but by the Western countries supplying it with all kinds of weapons. In its February 23rd report.. ..........................................................................Foreign Arms Supplies To Israel/Gaza Fueling Conflict amnestyusa.org.. ......named 18 EU member states, which authorized 1,018 arms export licenses to Israel worth a little less than 200 million Euros. All these arms exports are in violation of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports under Criterion 2, which states that member states are supposed to “deny an export license if there is a clear risk that the proposed export might be used for internal repression or be used in the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian law”. Israel had committed such violations throughout its entire existence.....
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..France.., ..Germany.., and ..Romania.. were the top three arms suppliers to Israel worth of 126 million Euros, 28 million Euros, and 17 million Euros respectively. Other significant arms suppliers to Israel since 2001 also include alphabetically Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Columbia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, India, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, and UK.....
The report also indicated the well-known fact that “Since 2001, the USA has been by far the major supplier of conventional arms to Israel” It also stated the logical conclusion that “Put simply, Israel’s military intervention in the Gaza Strip has been equipped to a large extent by US-supplied weapons, munitions and military equipment paid for with US taxpayers’ money” What the report failed to indicate is that Israel had violated all the US laws governing arms transfers.....
Examining the American military aid to Israel we find that since the end of WWII Israel had been the largest recipient of US aid (Armed & Dangerous Report.. ......). From 1949-2007 Israel had received more than $101 billion in total ....US.... economic and military aid. A previous Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two countries started phasing out the economic aid and increasing the military aid, and in 2008 all US aid to Israel turned into military aid only. The current MOU, singed by Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns in August 2007, has increased military aid to Israel by 25% a year for the next ten years FY2009-2018, totaling to $30 billion.....
During the Bush administration 2001-2007 American military aid to Israel came under three primary programs; Foreign Military Sales (FMS) ran through the Pentagon totaled $25.2 billion in arms sales and contracts, Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) ran through the States Department totaled $6.16 billion in weapons and equipment, and Excess Defense Articles (EDA) also ran through the Pentagon totaled $36 million in used weapons and equipment. The total comes to a little more than $31.4 billion.....
The Foreign Military Sales (FMS) provided Israel with air, missile & munitions, naval, design, vehicles, and miscellaneous military aid. Israel received $19.81 billion for their air forces that included F-35 joint strike fighters, C-130J-30 aircrafts, JP-8 aviation jet fuel, and T-6A Texan aircrafts. In missiles and munitions Israel received $2.73 billion worth of GBU-28 & 39 small diameter bombs, TOW, Hellfire, bunker buster munitions, AMRAAM, Harpoon, Sidewinder, JDAM’s, and MK-80 series. US gave Israel $1.9 billion worth of the new series (Littoral) naval combat ships, $164 million worth of troop carrier armored vehicles and trucks, and $253 million worth of miscellaneous in the form of Patriot Missiles upgrade and M72A7 Light Anti-Armor weapons. Also included in this FMS package were $350 million worth of design and construction of two infantry bases.....
The Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) program contained about three hundred different categories of weapons transfer to Israel. The main top ten categories for FY2001-2006 were $557,896 million in aircraft spare parts, $449 million in missile spare parts, $439 million in engine jet F-100 spare parts, $254 million in engine jet F-100 series (F-15 & F-16), $210 million in ship components and spare parts, $186 million in aircraft fighter F-15 spare parts, $163 million in electronics components and spare parts, $128 million in ammunition raw materials, and $120 million in training equipment.....
The Excess Defense Articles (EDC) program shipped to Israel $36 million worth of used Cobra Helicopters, personnel carriers, carrier command posts, and miscellaneous articles.....
The most outrageous American military aid to Israel is the billions of Dollars worth of refined fuel to the Israeli army. Israel’s own oil refineries in ..Haifa.. and ....Ashdod...., which could supply Israeli military with all its fuel needs, are instead producing and selling its refined products on the open market. The Israeli army gets all its military fuel from the ....USA.... through the FMS program. The US Defense Department uses American tax money to buy oil crude from Arab Gulf States, ship it to American refineries to refine it, and then ship it to Israel.....
According to documents.. ......obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, from 2004 to 2008 the Bush administration had granted the Israeli army 500 million gallons of oil products worth $1.1 billion. During this period the American tax payers were faced with energy crises and had to pay $4 per gallon of gas at the pump while Israel was getting free gas from the Bush administration. Somebody has to pay for this gas, and it wasn’t the Israelis.....
Moreover, the US provides loan guarantees to Israel so that Israel can take out loans in the international money market with lower interest rates, and if Israel happens to default on any of these loans the US will bail Israel out with American tax money similar to the latest $700 billion bailout for the American banks. There is a condition on these loan guarantees. It states that these loans can only be used to support the activities within the sovereign areas in Israel (pre-1967 war), and cannot be used in the occupied Palestinian territories. This is a facetiously misleading condition, since such loans can free other monies in the Israeli budget to be used in building illegal colonies (settlements) in the occupied territories.....
The ....US.... has three laws that govern arms transfer to other countries. The first is the Arms Export Control Act (P.L.80-829). This law states that American weapons given or sold to any foreign country can be used only for legitimate self-defense or for internal security. They are not to be used in occupational operations.....
The second is the Foreign Assistance Act (P.L.97-195), which states that any country is not illegible for any form of ....US.... aid if it engages in consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights. The third is the Leahy Law (Foreign Ops Appropriations Act). This is an annual part of the Foreign Appropriations Act, and states that no aid will be given to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible evidence that such unit has committed gross violations of human rights. Expanding their occupation of the land the Israelis had violated numerous UN Resolutions, broke international laws as well as their own local laws, violated all human rights, committed grave war crimes, and perpetrated terrorism against Arabs in general and Palestinian Arabs in specific.....
It has been, numerously, documented by Israeli, Palestinian, and international NGOs that Israel had consistently violated international laws and human rights since 1948. In all its seven wars Israel, contrary to the false Israeli/American propaganda, had initiated the conflict in one way or another. Israel had attacked all its neighbors, committed war crimes, and occupied parts of their land. The Israelis had evicted hundreds of thousands of Palestinians out of their country, completely wiped off many Palestinian towns and built Israeli colonies in their place, had stolen Palestinian farm land and forcefully controlled the economy. Israel had shoved thousands of Palestinian leaders and freedom fighters into prisons, and kept the rest of the Palestinian populations confined into open air virtual town-prisons within a separation wall.....
Attacking Palestinian civilians, mainly defenseless children and women, has become the daily entertainment of Israeli government -backed and armed extreme Zionist colonizing terrorists (settlers?). Israeli soldiers developed the sport of hunting (shooting) Palestinian children on their way to schools or while playing in front of their homes. The Israeli army is using the 1967 occupied Palestinian territories and its Palestinian inhabitants as testing fields and subjects for theirs and for the American newly developed weapons as was exhibited in Israel’s latest 22-days onslaught and massacres in ....Gaza.........
Successive Israeli governments had consistently sent their armies to massacre Palestinian civilians. Israeli army had used all types of American supplied weapons; including depleted uranium tipped bombs and missiles, DIME bombs, chemical weapons such as phosphorous bombs and conventional weapons, to specifically and deliberately target Palestinian children and women. We need only go back to the Israeli last two wars; July 2006 against Lebanon and December 2008 against Gaza, still fresh in memory, to witness clear evidence of Israel’s terrorism, war crimes, disrespect and contempt of international laws and human rights.....
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The driving force for the Zionist Israeli crimes and terrorism has been the extreme racist religious ideology of establishing a pure theocratic “Jewish” state for a prejudice- god’s chosen people “narcissist Zionist Jews” in the real-estate- brokering-god’s promised land of Greater Israel “Eretz Israel” extending from Nile to Euphrates. This theocratic dream necessitates a holy war (not the first one against the ..Middle East..) to evict and remove the original inhabitants of the land to make living space for world Jewry to come and live in this Promised Land. This is how Israelis perceive their “final solution” to their “Palestinian problem”; destruction, massacres and mass evictions.....
Although Israel has violated all EU and US arms transfer laws yet none had conducted any investigation to hold Israel accountable to these laws. The two rare incidents when under pressure the American State Department investigated Israeli violations where completely suppressed and quashed. The first was in 2002 when Israel dropped a one-ton bomb on an apartment building in ....Gaza.. ..City.... in order to extra-judicially assassinate a Hamas leader, Salah Shehadeh, and killed 14 other civilians, women and children, in the process. This investigation was quashed by none other than John Bolton, the Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security at the time. The investigation was never sent to the Congress in violation of US laws.....
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The second investigation was in 2006 when Israel dropped an estimated one million cluster bombs on the civilian areas of ..South Lebanon.. in the last 72 hours of the war, even after a seize-fire was agreed upon. This was made a top secret State Department investigation and was released to only a few senior members of the Congress such as the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and “Zionist” Joe Biden, the present Vice President. Needless to say that this investigation had never came to light.....
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Israel is a terrorist entity without any specific borders. It is an expansionist colonizing regime. Its successive governments had disregarded all UN resolutions, broken international laws, violated all human rights, committed holocaustal-level genocides, and perpetrated war crimes against all its neighbors and against mother earth and against the environment.....
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Yet the Western political power elites justify Israeli terror as a self-defense, and keep transfering more devastating arms to this terrorist entity to wage more future wars and to wreck more havoc in the Arab World. They also distort facts and describe the victims of the Israeli terror, the Palestinians, as terrorists, deny them their legitimate right to bear arms for self-defense, and send their naval war machines and serveillance equipment to tighten the illegal Israeli blockade against Gaza Strip under the guise of preventing “arms smuggling”, while at the same time shedding some crockodile tears and call for humanitarian aid to Gaza’s Palestinians.....
To the Arabs of the Middle East, Israel seems to be a military tool for the Western countries. Hatred towards these Western political regimes is the natural consequences of arming Israel. Should we keep asking “why do they hate us” any more?....
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* Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab writer from a Palestinian descent born in the town of ....Beit Jala..... His family was first evicted from ....Haifa.... after the “Nakba” of 1948, then from Beit Jala after the “Nakseh” of 1967. He lives now in the US, and publishes his articles on the web in both English and Arabic....
1 comment:
It seems you you should do a bit more reading on the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and how the colonial interests of France, United Kingdom and US diminished the livelihood of every Arab after WW2 and installed a stronghold of Demagoguery that has just now seen some reversal with the Arab uprising.
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