Monday, July 28, 2008

World Jewish Power

Anti-Semites in order to give their meaningless wandering lives some meaning create the mega-powerful Jewish world domination. Its carefully constructed to victimize though. By setting their sites on a tiny people only 12 million out of 6 billion and a tiny nation 13 mile wide Israel; they are setting a realistic goal of victory. I mean if the white hordes can't overpower the Great Jewish Conspiracy what is their worth after all. Somewhat similar to Hitlers blame game and of course progial to Hitlers efforts it looks winnable. Essential to the effort is the opening volley--denial of the Holocaust. If this were to actually succeed then its a good sign or premonition of victory. Such a success in actually revising documented history would emulate Hitlers concept of the big lie and parallel Orwells future society of constant historical revision.
So Anti-semites first must build up the image of Jewish invincability. They MUST put the Jews in a pedestal so they can teasr on down with ferocity and righteousness!!!
Even they must relish the evil in this plan. Thy must feel the hand of Satan (figuratively and metaphorically of course) on their shoulders. They create a Jewish elite than rules America
And this aristocracy rules the globe too! America is portrayed as a Jewish colony. And this elite is poratrayed as Organized much like the Nazis the anti-semites worship so dearly.
The language is based on race since anti-semites are racialists and racists. All struggle between Israel and the Araba and the Jews and themselves are described in race!
They use the well worn paths of European Jew hatred to fulfill their holy crusade.


Pastorius said...

I responded to your idiotic insult of me at my blog.

As much as you seem to care about the new rise of anti-Semitism it is amazing that you also lack the vision to see the implication of changes in the policy of the government at such a crux in history.

You are a great fool who wields a very sharp knife of ignorance. Hopefully, you do not garner an audience.

Sleep well.

Kreplach said...

Please elaborate as to my lack of vision and ignorance.